I don’t have much habit from reading on my house desktop, and I read very little on my laptop (mostly because I play online games, and oddly, the screen is too big for me to want to read). Thus, I found out that I could read blogs and stuff via Google Translate at work, so I took the time and translated http://aslongasitlasts.blogspot.com.
(Yeah, I typed this at work.)
While I don’t really want to comment on other people’s blog entries, lifestyles and stuff, these two particular lines caught my attention:
“I wonder who still even reads this blog (other than the spammers) anyway. I could be talking to myself.”
Now bear with me, because this is going to be horribly longwinded.
I don’t have a habit of blog hopping, actually. In fact, your blog is probably the only one I read now since I can remember the address. Even so, I admit to not reading it frequently. (It’s probably once in one or two months that I read it.)
If I may be allowed to be brutally honest, I personally see very little point reading up on other people’s lives. First, I feel cluttered with unnecessary information. Second, there is no action that I can take. Third, I make a natural assumption that everyone wants to mind his or her own business and I’m expected to mind my own. Finally, as long as no one is dying on me (physically or emotionally), I’m fine.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t care. It just means that I don’t know how to care in the way people want me to. I have never been apt to express concern with regards to others’ well-beings, and I’m misunderstood a lot for it. When I do start to express the concern, I’m tagged with being ‘weird’, nosy, and inquisitive and I should just stop minding in the first place. Some people don’t even realise that I’m actually expressing concern. In this regard, I almost feel like a handicap.
Plus, after a horribly honest assessment of the way I experience things, I have now conceded to the fact that I suck at sympathising and empathising. Somehow, it seems, I have a powerful air of showing that I don’t care, such that whomever decides they want to try their luck talking about their emotional experience with me all end up wondering if I even felt a thing or whether I’m just pretending to care.
Thus, if what I’m going to say or not going to say is going to end up causing people to think that I don’t understand and care, then I’d rather not inflict upon them the misery of the knowledge that I don’t seem to care, regardless whether I care or not. In a way, I feel I am not given the right to care, but perhaps, I didn’t earn the right to care.
Does the entire thing above make any sense?
Despite everything I said, I am not taking what you said personally; as in, I don’t feel offended whatsoever. I’m just offering a perspective that may help you to see that it’s not that people don’t care; they probably have their reasons to appear as if they don’t care. Or at least, I
feel that you
feel that nobody cares.
In another possible scenario, most people probably don’t know what to say about your experiences either. They either feel they are not in any position to comment since they aren’t you, or they haven’t had such deep feelings about the same things as you do to be able to empathise with what you’re going through. I’d stick with ‘not knowing what to say’ as the most common issue, but I could be wrong.
To be honest, I’m wondering how my words would be or are taken as you read. I know of people who blatantly skip an entire chunk of what I said and tell me that I’m too longwinded so they didn’t bother. I used to be left wondering if I should get angry, but now I pretty much accept that my words are like Kopi-o-siew-tai: Bitter coffee with no sugar. (I like teh-o better though but that’s beside the point)
If you’re still reading up to this point and you feel you can take what’s gonna come, then here’s finally my response to your entries. (I can’t copy and paste your entries to make references, so I guess I’m going to be really vague now.)