About the Teh-O

Here's a VERY lazy meme that I pulled out from some very random place to let you know more about me. So until I get a better meme, this...will suffice.

[Name] Lynette
[Nickname] Not telling
[Screen name] Not telling
[Birthday] Not telling
[Age] 23 in the year 2010
[Astrological sign] Scorpio
[Chinese zodiac sign] Rabbit
[Location] Singapore
[Sexual Preference] Irrelevant since I'm not getting married -- OH???
[Marital Status] Shingle
[Religion] Buddhism? Taoism? Generally agnostic
[Eye color] Brown
[Height] 167cm +/-
[Shoe size] Not aware
[Parents still together] Yep
[Siblings] 1 sister
[Nieces/Nephews] Lost track, can't be bothered to count
[Pets] Many bed bugs
[In school/graduated] Graduated
[What do you drive] people crazy (WOOH! A very unoriginal answer I never changed for years!)

[Color] No particular favourite. Depends on colour combination.
[#] Odd numbers
[Animal] Nil
[Flower] Nil
[Scent] Nil
[Drinks] Teh-O
[Soda] ???
[Book] Don't know which one is my favourite :O
[Band] Bleh... I forgot most of them
[Song] Gakupo - Paranoia

Do you...
[Color your hair?] No
[Twirl your hair?] No
[Have tattoos?] Technically speaking, yeah... There's this blue dot supposedly from a pen on my right index finger, and the ink has somehow settled beneath my skin so... ... Yeah.
[Have Piercings?] No
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] Yeah... Problem is, they're all virtual.
[Cheat on tests/homework?] Copying was my life support then. =D
[Drink/Smoke?] I don't smoke. I drink very rarely.
[Like roller coasters?] Both yes and no. I like the first ten seconds of excitement. Then I spend the rest of the time regretting.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Yeah, but it comes with the condition that I was born there in the first place so...no.
[Want more more piercings?] No
[Like cleaning?] If it's fast and easy, yeah! If you're talking about my room......
[Write in cursive or print?] Print
[Sweat a lot?] Not really
[Own a web cam?] On my laptop yes
[Know how to drive?] NO!!!
[Diet?] NO! I DON'T!!! I don't even THINK about the fattening quality of donuts before I bought a box of 12!
[Own a cell phone?] Yeah
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Not really =D

Have you ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] I might get one in the future since I don't even drive now...?
[Been in a wreck?] No
[Been arrested?] LOL I was held up at the customs for possessing *certain stuff* and was eventually let go. Does that count?
[Been in a fist fight?] Kinda...? I think so?
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] No. It sounds...fruity (???)
[Stolen anything?] Yeah. The biggest item I stole was a $2 note. =D
[Held a gun?] *Laughs at a weird imagery* No.
[Drank?] Erhhh do cocktails and stuff like that count?
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] No
[Considered a life of crime?] Yeah, only that I'm too chicken to do it.
[Considered being a hooker?] No. It smells rotten!
[Cheated on someone? ] In a BGR? Hahaha no.
[Cried over a girl?] As friend yeah. As girlfriend no.
[Cried over a boy?] I don't exactly recall... I think yes?
[Lied to someone?] A few times, especially white lies.
[Been in love?]
[Fallen for your best friend?]
[Made out with JUST a friend?] ??? I did them in...? (???) Okay no. Hahaha.
[Been rejected?] No.
[Been in lust?] You mean as in...carrying out? No. If you're talking about other departments of expression however... *cackles sinisterly*
[Used someone?] Hmmmm. Good question. Now let's start defining what is meant by using... ...but in the very least, I don't con them into buying me fashion, mount and aerogears. =D
[Been used?] I guess so.
[Been cheated on?] In a BGR? Never.
[Been kissed?] Haiz... By my mother? =.=
[Experimented with homosexuality?] What if I was hit on by one? Does that count? If not, then I guess not?

[Current mood] Neutral
[Current taste] Bland
[Current hair] LOL Shaggy hair
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Entering part numbers
[Current cds in stereo] I think it's Ayumi Hamasaki's newest CD?
[Current crush]
[Current job]

The last time...
[Last book you read] How to scold people! Chinese book.
[Last movie you saw] AWOUH What did I watch???
[Last thing you ate] I think it was......last night's Wanton Mee?
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Liz I think.

Do you...
[Do drugs?] No
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] Yeah.
[Play an instrument?] Yeah.
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I sorta do...
[Remember your first love?]
[Still love him/her?]
[Read the newspaper?] Rarely.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] I...think so?
[Believe in miracles?] Yeah. I don't count on them though.
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Yeah.
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] Depends on which lines are crossed. I'm either incredibly patient, or disturbingly condemning.
[Consider love a mistake?] No. It is a necessity for healthy living!
[Have a favourite candy?] Erh... As for recently, no.
[Believe in astrology?] Yeah.
[Believe in magic?] Yeah!!!
[Believe in God?] I'm agnostic.
[Do well in school?] No D=
[Go to or plan to go to college] It's over.
[Wear hats?] No.
[Hate yourself?] I occasionally struggle with that.
[Have an obsession?] Yes. Gaming.
[Have a secret crush?]
[Do they know yet?]
[Collect anything?] Dust...? Hahaha I don't know.
[Have a best friend?] No. I don't believe in best friends.
[Close friends?] Hmm yeah. This makes a lot more sense than best friends.
[Like your handwriting?] I don't particularly care about it.
[Care about looks?] My face yes. Everything else can eat my *** *** *** *** ?? ??

Love life
[First crush]
[First kiss] ...orz
[single or attached?] Single
[Ever been in love?]
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] No.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Maayyybe. I don't know.
[Describe your ideal significant other] This one is kinda long!
Physical: Tall, not too fair and not too dark, kind eyes, calm face, don't have to be super good looking but at least have a pleasant and symmetrical face, don't have to be athletic looking but at least looks fit
Non-physical (??): Would be nice if he's intelligent, but somewhat clueless at the same time! Resourceful. Tries to convey things via actions instead of words, and even more fun if he's trying not to be obvious! Must not be petty! And problem solving oriented! I don't care if he's moody or happy, though having a bit of sense of humor doesn't hurt... The bottom line is he doesn't emo, or try to get me to console! I like it better if he tries to hold himself together!

Having said everything above, my aim is to stay single this entire lifetime.:D

Juicy stuff...
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] Fortunately, no. And no...it's not much fortune for me, but for my viewers.
[Are you a tease?] ...Don't really get this...
[Shy to make the first move?] Yeah!

Are you a...
[Wuss] D= I guess so.
[Druggy] No.
[Daydreamer] Yeah!
[Freak] I don't consider myself one, though everyone else seems to.
[Dork] Quite @.@
[Asshole] Sometimes.
[Brat] Sometimes.
[Sarcastic] Sometimes.
[Angel] Hmm I guess so, sometimes.
[Devil] I'm not very good with being one...?
[Shy] Depends, but generally yeah.
[Talkative] I'd like to believe myself to be a rather quiet person but everyone else has been giving me reverse feedback.
[Flirty] Ever since a recent uncalled for flirting session via the internet, I conclude that I fail terribly at it.

The rest are things I am too lazy to fill in!

TEN Random Things About Me

NINE Ways To Win My Heart

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die

SEVEN Ways To Annoy Me

SIX Things I Believe In

FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of

FOUR Favorite Items In My Room

THREE Things I Do Everyday

TWO Things I Want To Do Right Now

ONE Person I Want to See Right Now