Saturday, June 26, 2010

5 Day Work Week

Yup. As the title blog is supposed to function on a 5 day work week. So no posts on Saturdays and Sundays!! 8D

(Then what the hell is this post sia)

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Mysterious "Because I know you" Stigma

Now, before I begin my post, I must first check up the dictionary what "stigma" means. note: this is what spawned the left/right brain meme /note

Hahahaha. Yeah. To this date, "stigma" remains a huge word to me and I always assumed that I knew what it meant... But ever since a big episode with a person in the past due to the misuse of the word 'patronize'...I stopped assuming I knew what a word meant.

Oh my papa, I just realised I didn't know what stigma meant after all!!!

   /ˈstɪgmə/ Show Spelled[stig-muh] Show IPA
–noun, plural stig·ma·ta  /ˈstɪgmətə, stɪgˈmɑtə, -ˈmætə/ Show Spelled[stig-muh-tuh, stig-mah-tuh, -mat-uh] Show IPA, stig·mas.
1. mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation.
2. Medicine/Medical .
a. a mental or physical mark that is characteristic of a defect or disease: the stigmata of leprosy.
b. a place or point on the skin that bleeds during certain mental states, as in hysteria.
3.Zoology .
a. a small mark, spot, or pore on an animal or organ.
b. the eyespot of a protozoan.
c. an entrance into the respiratory system of insects.
4. Botany . the part of a pistil that receives the pollen.
5. stigmata, marks resembling the wounds of the crucified body of Christ, said to be supernaturally impressed on the bodies of certain persons, esp. nuns, tertiaries, and monastics.
6. Archaic . a mark made by a branding iron on the skin of a criminal or slave.

Okkkkaaayyyy. So what did I mean to say...

...I'm not changing my title though! Cuz it sounds nice!

Okay, since I can't find the word, I shall just describe what sparked this thought.

As you may or may not know, Liz recently completed her girls hip hop dancing class. I think some of you saw me demonstrating her octopus upper torso rotation routine, but no matter.

She was due to have an assessment some Sundays ago, but because she had stage fright, she decided to delay her demise by a week so none of her classmates can witness her powerful ceiling fan prowess at work.

So, she tried to do some last minute practice at home, in the room. Yeah, as you can imagine, I was in the room too. SO! She played the Britney Spears "Circus" song, and started to wobble. I could see that from the reflection on my monitor, so I spun my head around. If my eyes had powers, they stun and tickle.

"EH! DON'T LOOK!" she scolded while holding her stomach and trying not to laugh. By the way, why do some people hold their stomach when they're laughing? Is that a practice of their oh shiet I forgot the English name for it, dan1 tian2? Was it called diaphragm?

And by the way (x2), have you EVER noticed that the clothes shop at Tampines Mall facing the short traffic light, and beside the Levi's shop, have very strange mannequins? (I forgot what that shop is called) ALL the mannequins put a hand over their stomachs, like one whole row of diarrhoea victims.

HAH! I bet I lost you in your my previous paragraph.

So back to my main story.

I turned back to look at my monitor, and having realised that I obtained a new power for my eyes, I spun around and looked at her again, getting another "HEY/OI" and a paused performance.

So, pretending to be cooperative, I stopped looking...and started watching via the reflection on the monitor. Hahaha you looked like an Ancient Boa jumping around, Liz...

Then she went for assessment and had an anti-climax ending to her 10 week long with many lost classes dancing class.

Now, I didn't pay this thought much attention until one day when I was in my office toilet. (Why there, I don't know.)

Before Liz signed up, she asked if I want to join. But I didn't want to burn my Sunday afternoons for some wriggly jumping, so I declined.

...But what if I signed up?

I think we'd spend 10 weeks looking at each other via the mirror and holding our stomachs and laughing and rolling over as a new form of dancing?

I mean, if she cannot even let me watch her dance, then how the toot are we going to go through 10 classes unscathed???

...Thank god I didn't go. Uber waste of money man... Hahahahahahahahaha.

And this happens only because we know each other. :O We probably could care less if we didn't know this person. I can bet 100% I'd laugh if Li Hong started doing girls hip hop (albeit for a completely different reason). Okay, I wouldn't laugh watching Hui Qin dance, but I think she'd fall over and die from embarrassment first, and that's when I laugh. :D

So yeah. Why?? Why do people laugh when someone they know starts doing something as normal as dancing???

...Wow. I just recalled something absolutely retarded. At 4am in the morning, Huizhen and I loaded a youtube mtv of Nobody/Gee. I was concentrating as much as my 4am brain could manage to do what the jiggly girls were doing on screen while Huizhen was busy laughing her bums off at me. Wow how did I not break down at the sight of her laughing. How odd.

Okay. Maybe it's the people involved, not so much cuz you know me I know you we know everybody.

Hahaha. How interesting. Lalala (I don't know how to end the post so I shall spam nonsense)

Meme: Left or Right Brain?

Wot? Are you telling me that even after having blogged for so long, I still don't have a single tag called "meme"?

I was in the middle of searching up a word on when this left right brain thing appeared (the dancing ballerina), so I went to Google for it, only to end side track and end up at another test:

(Bolding points that make sense to me)

You Are 55% Left Brained, 45% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.

Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.

If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.

Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.

Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.

If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.

Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

And here's another visual test you probably have seen via forwarded emails.

Wah lao. I managed to view it to turn around both ways. But after retrying... It's permanently going clockwise. And that's supposed to mean I'm right brained.

But I did another test...

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (40%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (52%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?
personality tests by

Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.

Overall you appear to be Left Brain Dominant.

Okay... I just confused myself what brain I am...... . . .

I just recalled what Liz told me once when I was talking about a behaviour I couldn't understand at all, until she finally said, "Wah lao... Even feelings must make sense to you then you can understand one meh???" Actually, yeah. There are some feelings that I simply cannot understand why they'd exist due to a specific circumstance. I forgot what the examples were though.

But my teacher wrote in my report book in primary school that I need to stop daydreaming. =__=

I guess this is why it's a 50/50 result...?

...At the end of the day, it was a pointless meme. HAHAAA I MADE YOU WASTE YOUR TIMEEEE :DDDDDDD

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Men and Women

Yet again, I run out of topics faster than I can generate them.

Hmmm. I had an interesting topic in mind just minutes before...but me being me, lost it in a yawn. Wowww.

Oh well. I'll just be cheap and talk about a book I was reading some days ago.

It's called "Why men are clueless and women always need more shoes" or something like that. I caught sight of a book, called "Why men want sex and women need love," but that was in Japan and Liz was telling me it's cheaper to buy in SG. Sadly, I don't remember the price in Japan anymore, so I can't tell if it made any difference where I bought it. Then I found it again in Bugis Kinokuniya, this time with other title.

To sum everything they said up...

- Women and men have biologically different brains
- Men are the typical images of thinking problem solvers
- Women are the typical images of the feeling nurturer

That's in a summary.

...Well they did emphasize a couple of times that what they write is a very general picture that applies to dunno how many % of the population (majority). And that's somewhat interesting to know cuz...

...the world as I know it is pretty weird now!?

It's not too reassuring when Andy told me that the guys in army are actually interested in...what, the GSS, fashion and shopping??? What would they screaming on a battlefield?? "OMG My LV helmet!!! Ahhh!!! My Gucci boots!!! SHIEEET My Prada bullet vest!!!"

Hmmmmm food for thought. Then again, they might end up bragging on a battlefield... "HAH! Luckily my bullet vest is Prada. If it's Bata, my body already got lucky 13 holes in me! WOOH! Gucci boots makes me run faster than bullets can catch me! I feel so matrix! My LV helmet has spider sense, I can sense danger 1km around me!"


Anyway, this is how the book paints the roles and typical traits of men and women:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Deeper Look Into That Bear

I changed my Google search today, to "I like Winnie the Pooh" in order to get more personal entries. I didn't get much of it. But I found a few interesting things that fill up the other hemisphere of the Winnie the Pooh spectrum.

Apparently, Winnie the Pooh suffers from ADHD. I don't know why, but it puts him in a much better light.

And finally, something else I'm reading at the moment...

...I don't agree with everything said inside. It's...It's too positive and bright it's almost incomprehensible. The light! It's stinging my eyes!!!

Okay... So I get the idea that people like Winnie the Pooh because it's positive, positive, and just plain positive. Full of happiness, joy, friendship, loyalty...all the dream like stuff. Especially the quotes.

I've read some of the quotes...

...It's so bloody sweet and care-bearish. I'm not gothic, not emo, not that jaded and not cynical. It's just, some things are so impossibly sweet and bright, they simply sting me the way sometimes eating sweets hurts my teeth.

And most of all, I cannot understand turning a blind eye to the negative things in life. I still believe that a person is not whole until they also understand suffering and pain.

Ahhh. I finally found the word that more accurately describes why I'm repelled by the things I read. It's naviete. It's not even innocence, which I like very much. While an innocent person can face negative things and still come out innocent, a naive person simply denies negative things... And denial often backfires.

Most of the friendship quotes disturb me. About how "I'll always be with you" (like a ghost watching from your room ceiling?), "I'm always in your heart and in your mind" (like the Phantom of the Opera) etc etc etc. Come on, who the hell can live if a person is always sticking by your side like a siamese twin? Ask such twins if they live an easy life...they don't.

Just a related off topic, but I saw a quote that went something like, if both live a hundred days, I want to live a day lesser so I never have to spend a day without you. Wow. That sounds sweet on the surface, but it's kinda selfish or weak down under. If you guys were that close, I'm sure your friend wouldn't want to live a day without you either. Why not die together instead of causing pain to your friend?!

Brings to mind that ah gong song to the ah ma about who gonna die first. "If you get there before I do, don't give up on me... I'll meet you when my chores are through. I don't know how long I'll be." <-- br="" i="" is="" more...sincere="" much="" so="" think.="" this="">
Hahahaha I don't know why I'm even droning about these?!

I'm not changing what I said earlier about Pooh though...the descriptions amuse myself. Hehehehehe.

My conclusion... Well, some of the quotes that Winnie the Pooh have are nice. I don't agree with all of them cuz they're just plain naive, but now instead of deserving to be burnt by the Sun, Pooh deserves a place on the plate on the dinner table more. At least he's now edible.

Word Differences

Phew... Making it a discipline to blog once a day is damn taxing, especially when you have nothing to say. I blog somewhere else now, once a day, only because it's a chained story... And it's already damn difficult. But. To be a good writer, you must write once a day, regardless of writer's block... Now why do I want to be a good writer. :O

So, in order to find things to write about, I now have to pay extra attention to things happening around me...and what I read. Fineee... I'll Google for more info about Winnie the Pooh later, but until then, some other stuff that interests me.

A few days ago, Liz bought Mutton Bryani.

Then my colleague asked, "What's the difference between mutton and lamb?"

Hmm. I didn't know the answer then. I still don't know. But I think maybe it's the difference pork and pig?

Buf if that's the case, shouldn't pork chop be pig chop? So maybe that's not it either?

My colleague thinks it's the difference between sheep and lamb. So...what mutton?

Hohoho. It's lunch time! Time to eat! Shall find out the truth behind the question after lunch.

Edit zomg Within a few types and clicks, I found the answer, damn fast!


Lamb is a sheep less than a year old, typically slaughtered between the ages of 4 and 12 months. Older sheep is called mutton and has a much stronger flavor and tougher meat that many find distasteful. Mutton was a cheap food source for the military, and it was often overcooked and dry. Many American servicemen had their fill of mutton, coming home to declare it off-limits in the family home. This may be another reason why lamb has not become more popular in the States.


From Wikipedia

* Lamb — a young sheep under 12 months of age which does not have any permanent incisor teeth in wear
* Hogget — a young male sheep or maiden ewe having no more than two permanent incisors in wear
* Mutton — a female (ewe) or castrated male (wether) sheep having more than two permanent incisors in wear.


Okay, all this food talk is making me super hungry. Byebye!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Findings for Honey Smelling Gas Chamber

I only went to Wikipedia, and I saw a whole entire text of maybe the history of Winnie the Pooh.

Actually, I forgot 90% of what was written there. From my impatient glance of the whole page, I only remember the following:

- Winnie the Pooh is actually the author's son's toy bear
- Pooh is supposed to mean swan or what
- The red shirt was later added in the cartoon version

And that's all I remember from Wikipedia. In case you're wondering why I was impatient, my hatred was colouring my view of the page, making the page look so bloody bright my eyes were bleeding.

So, I don't even know if the top 3 points are even correct.

My scan revealed that there was no discussion about Winnie the Pooh's personality.

I know why.


I have not bothered to search more.

If I do bother, I will let you know my newer findings yet again...

I Need An Answer

Yeah. If you happen to visit my deserted blog that's been on hiatus for too damn long, and you see this question, I would be immensely grateful if you would answer this question for me.

Is there something so wrong with my speech pattern that it makes me look like... arrogant butt crack
...a proud ass abyss unforgiving punisher unreasonable donkey
...a smelly braggart
...a dense slab of wood
...something that would make people want to see me suffer lose and die?

I keep asking Liz if something is wrong with it, but to her, most of the things I say are neutral. And if anything is too horrid for her taste, she makes no reservation about smacking it back in my face. I don't know... I consider it a major improvement from the past, when most of the things I said were pretty extreme.

But apparently, there's still something wrong with the way I say things, or even what I say, to get responses that insinuate that there is something that suggests I am any of the above.

Well, I'm kinda aware that the way I critize some stuff probably makes me sound arrogant...though truth is, to me, it's as plain as cold hard facts. It's as solid as taking a taxi would always be faster than walking. Don't argue about whether the taxi is broken, the driver is sleeping or the person walking walks at 1000km/hrs--we're talking about normal circumstances.

Or is that when people know that I'm opinionated...they automatically assume that I would attack any contradiction at all costs? Or that I would automatically judge everything that comes across my path?

I still find it very odd that people would start justifying things I didn't even ask for specifics. In fact, most of the justifications are completely irrelevant to why I said what I said in the first place.

...So, yeah, what the heck, I'm pretty lost here.

Why do I care even... Well yeah. It's very disturbing if somehow you're grating on people's nerves and you can't do a thing about it simply because you're not even aware what it is in the first place. Sheesh...

But really. If there's any concrete evidence about my shortcoming, be forthcoming with it. Just don't make it personal, and I'd be sure to study it like...Science (for lack of a better word).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why I hate Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday during lunch, I had the most agitated conversation with Liz. For some funny reason, I recalled Winnie the Pooh.

Now, I do not wish to be crude, but what the hell is Pooh? Shouldn't he be the equivalent to the obvious pun of Pooh?

Having said that, I am not violently against fans of Winnie. I don't know who likes this yellow dirt bag, but the one fan I remember most is this guy from my secondary school class. He was tall, maybe about 178~183cm. I might have had the wrong impression since he was round; his body shape was a ( ) shape. He wore his pants so friggin' high up, it might have been hanging beneath his chest. He was an ace History student. But he was socially awkward and he had this permanent air of arrogance.

So one fine day, our English teacher who was still supposedly sane at that time, wanted us to present our favourite -something-. I'm not sure what the -something- was. But it resulted in this particular guy presenting...

"My favourite cartoon character is Winnie the Pooh."

And the rest of his presentation was a surreal experience.

I think the whole class was watching him with dumb expressions--not dumbfounded...literally dumb. This guy who couldn't exactly fit into the frame of the class actually had a thing for yellow bears. I don't remember what he said about Winnie the Pooh, but that presentation effectively overwrote whatever impressions of him I had previously and I immediately replaced it with the arrogant rich boy who had a thing for yellow pigs in disguise. Who cares whether he tops History when he likes yellow...yeah, dirt bags.

Now, I shall say the most irritating thing--everything I said above is besides the point. I am now going to present to you my reasons for hating this piece of yellow bag of crap.

But I must admit, I have never really watched cartoons relating to this bear. I probably watched no more than three episodes before deciding that he's an effective IQ lowerer, and I already don't have much to begin with. I could suffer brain damage before I even had a healthy one.

My only exposure therefore of this abominable existent is...well whaddya know, it's Kingdom Hearts!!!

So, in Kingdom Hearts, this yellow monster makes his appearance as a single-tracked mind sprite, whose programming filter in his head contained just only one condition: Honey.

Wow, this guy's filter works wonders.

The only thing, and only one holy thing, stickied in his head, is only friggin' honey. If I'm not wrong, every single quest pertaining to him is only about...honey.

Never mind that he eats honey, drinks honey, pees honey, craps honey and even farts honey.

The one thing I absolutely hate is his trespassing of private eat honey. HELLO DUDE! Don't open people's fridges without even asking?? It's bad manners!!! YES! THIS IS THE THING THAT IRRITATES THE HELL OUT OF ME! HELLO!!! That withering rabbit whose name is unknown to me did so much bloody work to collect all the honey and, I don't know, maybe store for winter. AND THIS...this SAD excuse of a fcking cute bear PLUNGED his sorry ass through the rear window and landed in a--wooh!!! heavenly!!!-pile of honey and started digging in, with absolutely NO regard for the poor rabbit's feelings and efforts. Wow, he could at least say a "kuchisousama deshita~" before farting his honey and leave, but NO...he says, "I want more honey~ Where can I get more honey~" FCK YOU!

Excuse me dear sir, or dear gay, whichever category you want to be deemed in, do you realize what's really going on? Do you want to know the real reason you're yellow? Hear this, it concerns your life potency.

You are suffering from Sweetstoroposis, a term for honey poisoning.

LOOK at you! You're entirely yellow, you're round, your ass is so big you get stuck at the rabbit's rear window, you...I DON'T KNOW! You reek of rotting and sickly sweet yellow GOO! And you realize something? Your thinking capacity is as good as 1+1=1, where the common denominator that you can see is only "1". You know why? The honey glued your brain cells altogether, making you a mono track thinking species. Does he even think?

Why did he even bother wearing red shirt?? I think a honey comb T-shirt suits him more!

I guess people like wiping his ass cuz it smells like honey!

All right. There you have it, my reasons for hating this detestable creature. I'm going to state this for the record...this is purely personal opinion. I respect completely that there are others who like this butt bag.

Now, allow me to counter respond to all the possible protests about how this Sweetstoroposis patient can actually be liked.

Myth 1: He looks cute!
No he doesn't. :D looks way cuter than his sorry honey smelling ass. I know a whole bunch of other huggables and squishables than this disease carrying lump of meat. Are you sure it isn't a bunch of cotton stuck inside his honey striken body?

Myth 2: He cares for his friends!
Yeah, I'll give you that--he's a friggin' opportunist. He completely has no concept of boundaries. WHAT do you call the act of smashing into people's house to eat HONEY? What, honey crimes smell sweet and thus should be forgiven? NO! Don't be fooled... This guy makes friends with you to eat YOUR honey!

Myth 3: He's erh...he doesn't have a temper!
BS. He's passive aggressive. The only reason he isn't throwing a temper anywhere at all is cuz he's usually in the wrong. Now...tell me a person who dares to throw his temper around when he can use emotional blackmail to make ALL his friends forgive him for eating their honey by acting brainless.

Myth 4: STOP! There is absolutely nothing else that can redeem this abysmally hopeless creature. So there isn't ANYTHING at all after point 3...Just admit it.

I don't care if I got anything wrong about this sickly jar of honey. My hatred for him burns as fiercely as the Sun.

...Wow that was intense.

...I guess I'll be doing some wiki-ing and Googling for Sweestoropork to see whether he is redeemable. I'll let you know after this.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Woah! I just realised, I haven't updated for more than a MONTH. And I never did post about my Japan Trip, or any photos for that matter. D:

No matter.

Today, I gave a wishy-washy answer to LH whether I was going to the Flute BBQ at Loyang Valley. Then I showed up...bringing mochi from Japan.

I don't know why, talking about how the flute people reacted to the mochi made Liz laugh and spaz. o_o Fine... So now my house is condemned for expired food. HEHEHE. I'm going to keep a pack of potato chips starting from now for six years. THEN YOU GUYS CAN WORSHIP MY POWER OF EXPIRATION!

Then, we played some rounds of Stress. Mwahahaha. This is the kind of thought process that goes in my brain when playing Stress, in case you're wondering...

"1 2 3 4 3 2 1... K A 2 3 2 A K..." <-- Thus resulting in the lack of expression. Hahahahahaha

...I think I'm too tired to think. I thought I had stuff to say, but this is my best D:

By the way, there were a few times I wanted to blog at work. But I don't know if they'd find my blog...and well. What would you be blogging at work about... :D

I...shall blog when I have more things to say, and when I'm less tired.

CALL ME WHEN GONNA PLAYING BISHI-BASHI!!! (or however you spell it) I want to see the legendary expressionless but motion blur hands at work! :DDD