Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Need An Answer

Yeah. If you happen to visit my deserted blog that's been on hiatus for too damn long, and you see this question, I would be immensely grateful if you would answer this question for me.

Is there something so wrong with my speech pattern that it makes me look like...
...an arrogant butt crack
...a proud ass abyss
...an unforgiving punisher
...an unreasonable donkey
...a smelly braggart
...a dense slab of wood
...something that would make people want to see me suffer lose and die?

I keep asking Liz if something is wrong with it, but to her, most of the things I say are neutral. And if anything is too horrid for her taste, she makes no reservation about smacking it back in my face. I don't know... I consider it a major improvement from the past, when most of the things I said were pretty extreme.

But apparently, there's still something wrong with the way I say things, or even what I say, to get responses that insinuate that there is something that suggests I am any of the above.

Well, I'm kinda aware that the way I critize some stuff probably makes me sound arrogant...though truth is, to me, it's as plain as cold hard facts. It's as solid as taking a taxi would always be faster than walking. Don't argue about whether the taxi is broken, the driver is sleeping or the person walking walks at 1000km/hrs--we're talking about normal circumstances.

Or is that when people know that I'm opinionated...they automatically assume that I would attack any contradiction at all costs? Or that I would automatically judge everything that comes across my path?

I still find it very odd that people would start justifying things I didn't even ask for specifics. In fact, most of the justifications are completely irrelevant to why I said what I said in the first place.

...So, yeah, what the heck, I'm pretty lost here.

Why do I care even... Well yeah. It's very disturbing if somehow you're grating on people's nerves and you can't do a thing about it simply because you're not even aware what it is in the first place. Sheesh...

But really. If there's any concrete evidence about my shortcoming, be forthcoming with it. Just don't make it personal, and I'd be sure to study it like...Science (for lack of a better word).

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