My Views on xxx


The reason for a separate page for this is, I was writing about my sign midway through when I went off on tangents about my views on sex. Thus, I thought it appropriate to create a separate page for it. Because after all, I think I have a reputation of being a 'perv', which is such an unjustified label!

So, my views...

I am open to the discussion of sex, and would read and watch just about anything, with or without visuals, about sex, regardless if they're man on woman, man on man, or woman on woman. I am also very interested in reading up on the 'darker side of sex', such as rape, or plain sado-masochism. I also find it interesting to think about what-if pairings. The ones I don't understand but will not condemn are wow, pedophiles and people who erh, have a thing for animals.

Everything said, the baseline is, anything's fine, as long as I'm not involved.

Does this mean I approve of all the 'indecent' activities? No.

I've been tagged all sorts of things for willingly exposing myself to such materials, or even talking about them. Maybe the thought behind them is, how could any decent person be interested in these things?! Well...why not? It's not like reading about rape would corrupt me eternally. I feel I haven't changed much at all before and after I started reading said materials. Sex is just overrated. Plus, we're just animals with intellect sooo isn't it natural for humans to be interested in sex? Partly for entertainment and partly for reproduction? Why make it out to be some totally dirty affair?

And no, don't listen to the teachers teach the bullshit out of you when they say watching indecent materials will corrupt your mind and make you see everyone on the streets as either naked or having sex. Totally not true...depending on who you are. If you're blessed like me with a poor ability to imagine visuals, you will still see everyone with their clothes on doing normal stuff.

Ah, and I think I'm labeled 'perv' because of my seemingly confused orientation. Let's put it flat out... I find girls attractive as I would guys. I don't even feel offended if a girl hits on me. But I attribute this to my openness to these things.

Because the bottom line is, I still want a guy like Yuri from Shadow Hearts, Orphen from that Sorcerer comic, or Yamada Taro, etc etc etc ♥

^ And because these guys don't exist, I'm staying single. ^^

I hope a clearer understanding, not a deeper misunderstanding from my wall of text. Hahaha.