Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Word Differences

Phew... Making it a discipline to blog once a day is damn taxing, especially when you have nothing to say. I blog somewhere else now, once a day, only because it's a chained story... And it's already damn difficult. But. To be a good writer, you must write once a day, regardless of writer's block... Now why do I want to be a good writer. :O

So, in order to find things to write about, I now have to pay extra attention to things happening around me...and what I read. Fineee... I'll Google for more info about Winnie the Pooh later, but until then, some other stuff that interests me.

A few days ago, Liz bought Mutton Bryani.

Then my colleague asked, "What's the difference between mutton and lamb?"

Hmm. I didn't know the answer then. I still don't know. But I think maybe it's the difference pork and pig?

Buf if that's the case, shouldn't pork chop be pig chop? So maybe that's not it either?

My colleague thinks it's the difference between sheep and lamb. So...what mutton?

Hohoho. It's lunch time! Time to eat! Shall find out the truth behind the question after lunch.

Edit zomg Within a few types and clicks, I found the answer, damn fast!


Lamb is a sheep less than a year old, typically slaughtered between the ages of 4 and 12 months. Older sheep is called mutton and has a much stronger flavor and tougher meat that many find distasteful. Mutton was a cheap food source for the military, and it was often overcooked and dry. Many American servicemen had their fill of mutton, coming home to declare it off-limits in the family home. This may be another reason why lamb has not become more popular in the States.


From Wikipedia

* Lamb — a young sheep under 12 months of age which does not have any permanent incisor teeth in wear
* Hogget — a young male sheep or maiden ewe having no more than two permanent incisors in wear
* Mutton — a female (ewe) or castrated male (wether) sheep having more than two permanent incisors in wear.


Okay, all this food talk is making me super hungry. Byebye!

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