Monday, August 24, 2009

jumping search

i was walking when i remembered this old personality test i did in the past. it's about people and their walking styles, like if you walk big steps you are a certain type of person etc. so here i am, searching for walking styles, only to find completely different things than in the past. and jumping search i ended up with introverts. like what does walking have to do with introverts??

anyway, read 2 points that i felt were like half an enlightenment:
1. "Introverts may like people very much, but find it draining to be around anyone too long."
2. "May occasionally think they told you something they didn't, because they're 'always going over things in their head.'"

point 1 is something like that. only that i don't find it just draining. i find it irritating and damn tiring. hahaha.

point 2 is 1000% true. i had friends who got emo or angry with me because i didn't tell them something which i honestly believed i did. (i probably still believe i did) it's such a repeated experience than i got this impression i've done that too many times.

anyway i just did a walking test. it makes no sense. the questions are weird and when i got my results, i think..erh i am not the type to stroll and breathe in and take in nature and become one with Buddha. i basically just want to get to where i am ASAP and get the hell out of where i am ASAP. 8D the only time i feel relaxed is when i'm taking a bus which is confirmed to be slow. hahaha.

i dunno why choosing "long conversations after dinner" attributes to slow walking. i think it's not related??

hmm. y'know, i've searched on personality types so many times that now i don't really feel like searching and reading what i already know. and i fear introversion is becoming overrated. everyone is feeling so special about being introverted when essentially there's nothing really better or worse in the areas of there?

maybe i'm just hoping i'd somehow stumble upon something that would crash my life entirely and i realise OH NO! i didn't realise this!!!! or something dramatic. hahaha.

and jumping search, now i'm reading about the need for personal space. for some reason when lh and i talk about it, we have strong feelings about personal spaces. hahaahahahaa. sadly i only found one article so far but it pointed out quite critically when it's about.

it's weird to talk about this now, but i highly value my personal space. i talk when i feel like it. i don't when i don't. PERIOD! i swear on multiple occasions i almost died when i was interrogated why i don't want to talk to people about my innermost thoughts. and worse the interrogators got angry. :O!?!??! why???? why must i be an open book???

so, i shall go eat dinner. byebye~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

scared of bugs?? PHOBIC MAN!

ok, i may have told you before, that i'm scared of bugs.

but i correct that.

i'm practically phobic.

now there's a difference between a typical girl who's scared of bugs and a person who is just so phobic of bugs... ...let's just say it's dangerous just being around a phobic person. =__=

i wanted to scoop water and flush the golden throne when suddenly i felt something unnatural touch my hand and the next thing i saw something dark with something sprouting out of it

soon after i started screaming and i opened the door in the midst of the panic to facilitate easier rescuing (aka my parents) while i continued to scream in terror.


i was almost trembling i swear!!! started washing my hands with dettol and wiping my hands over and over on my shirt!!!!

i think it took me somewhere around 5mins to start forgetting the horror. oh GOD!

ugh and i swear my hand was spas-ing from time to time from the post trauma of having contact with the damned cockroach, if i haven't mentioned what the hell actually touched my hand.

oh and my face was twitching so badly it became fixed at a constipated expression.

god why the hell did the bug stick around water that came from washing machine and is meant for washing toilet bowl???

you know, i've been hearing so many bug stories (what eat half a lizard or tasting baby roaches in the middle of bubble tea and ants coming together with the malt drink when you buy from vending machine) that now when i buy my snacks i chew bit by bit and inspect just so i don't get the lucky draw. because if i do get the lucky draw, basically my tongue is gonna drop off.


and why the danger around me?? last time i shook and spas-ed and yelled incessantly at what i thought was a stick insect when it actually was just a bunch of threads. NOTE THIS--i swear i was doing air swimming in the presence of my friends while being in a hysteria over a BUNCH OF THREADS

on a happier note, watch Up! it's a very movie. i teared a couple of times. it's damn sad when something matters to you so much that the thought of not achieving it can be so painful. ahhhhhh. and i love the bird. 8D

oh. and chalet nights, are ultra destructive to my health. i am still trying to recover from lack of sleep over the long weekend with national day. btw, i missed national day program. :/

Friday, August 7, 2009

doodle of the day - failed glass balls

doodle of the day. i wanted to friggin draw something technological. but i didn't know how to go beyond the friggin glass surface. so it became another shoujo meaningless crap.

to match the colouring i decided to just colour the chara straight without doing a sketch. ok i cheated a bit but generally...

... i think i'm better off doing sketches first. hahahahaha. this looks horrible.

recently all my colour scheme litat. ok. will change to dark colours in my next doodle. yaya!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

doodle of the day - meaningless

it was supposed to be colourful hair, but i think it doesn't look rainbow so never mind lah.

and the background too bland so i added this.. and the pic looks even more retarded. ah well. can always draw again. (but not the same pic lah. so spastic)

Monday, August 3, 2009

doodle of the day - pink hair

hehehe. in the mood! doodle of the day.