I'm such a suck ass blogger. I've not blogged for so damn long!!!
Somehow, today, I have found something that motivated me to blog.
My sis (now known as Ring instead of liz), her friend and I went to watch Sherlock Holmes. is that how you spell it? anyway, in summary:
1. I don't know what the hell Holmes is talking about most of the time but I think he's damn smart! (That or I'm damn stupid - .-)
2. I feel that the ending is one of the more original ones...maybe I just haven't seen a lot of movies lately. Most endings lead up in a weird and predictable way...the way this one ended felt somewhat scary but satisfying though.
3. I am so digging the friendship between Holmes and erh...is Watson how you spell it? anyway, wow. Ring's friend thinks Holmes is gay, but I think it's perfectly normal and in fact, quite nice to have friendships like that... aghhh so digging it. It's a show more than tell kind of thing. This thought crossed my mind, "wow. I'd be so happy to be Watson if I had a friend like Holmes!" then i realise that the relationship at home is such that I am more like holmes (troublemaker) and ring is watson (trouble cleaner). end of story
4. nice credits! arty farty.
i will go get the DVD when it's out! and i said the same thing for dark knight but i never bought it (difference is, i never watched dark knight). gah parts of sherlock holmes felt somewhat scarily violent though (i have no jingle bells when it comes to violent scenes sometimes). im not too sure if this is correct but it seems they're trying to show that one of the reasons holmes is so damn smart is cuz he knows the visualisation technique? y'know, about visualising and rehearsing your next move in your mind so it executes the same way...
anyway, that aside, ring's friend (whom i shall dub Weirdo) was talking about the shame of the century. he said he went to a clinic (raffles medical if i'm correct) to do his pre employment health tests, of which one included the HIV test. when the receptionist saw it, she said damn loudly, "We don't do HIV tests at the moment!" and the rest of the patients gave him the death glare. HAHAHAHHA omg. he felt like dying. and then he started to tell us what kind of things he'd have said if not for the shock and shame he felt hahahaaaa. to be honest though, it's kinda...hard to associate him with HIV for some reasons i can't explain. ah well.
and one more joy/terror for the record. my uncles went on a holiday to thailand, and my third uncle left his dog's...son at my house. yeah. so now the 3 month old terrorist is with us. delightfully he's cute, 3 mths old and looks a lot like a..polar bear. but there are just two things that make me want to bathe his ass in a tub of water.
1. He has a terrible fear of heights. when i place him on a chair he whimpers. and like your majesty her highness (aka his mom), he summons you via barking. he's really quiet. but the only time he makes noise is he comes up to the living room from the kitchen, and has problems going back to the kitchen cuz the kitchen is like what, 4cm lower than the living room?????? sigh. imagine...i'm doing my daily hunting of bosses when i suddenly hear a dog summoning me. wtfff. sigh i spent 15mins trying to force teach him to walk down the unstable slipper slope i made there and he was giving me the tantrums. he made it down anyway. and sulked in front of the toilet after that. zzz loser.
2. he thinks my room is the only toilet in the whole house. ZZ. he peed in the living room, my uncle's room, my mom's room and finally ours. and it seems that it is officially his toilet. today alone, he came in twice, both at night. GAH. i'd love it very much...if he'd at least be a little like his mom. surprisingly, despite being a princess, his mom actually requests the door be open so she can use the newspaper in the living room as her peeing platform. duddeeee.
well, the last point isnt very important, and im not too sure what he thinks about me. oh btw, this dog is called Yaya. my mom confused it with yao yao. and i confused him with a girl. anyway, he's curbed his habit of chewing on my toes, and that's good. but now, at 2am while i'm blogging, i hesitate going to the toilet cuz he sleeps in the kitchen. last night i went to the toilet and he woke up. i wanted to go back to sleep but he smacked straight down on my foot and wanted me to play with it, so i kinda started tickling it (he seems to like it...that or he's masochistic? or bian tai? sigh. dogs and their quirks). then i had to get up... 1.30am in the morning and i have work in the morning. zzz. so i dumped him at the kitchen and hoped he didn't follow.. he didn't, but he gave me this look that seemed so puzzled... GAHHH. zz.
i do notice that he follows my mom first, followed by me, and finally ring (priority in this order). not too sure. but im stating this again. im never going to breed a dog. first, if it dies i'd be so sad. second, i cant play my online game in peace. third, i'd die catching dog fleas. zz.
i had more to talk about, but im tired and i can't remember.
so here you go!
14 years ago
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