waaaaaa heee hoooo!
ok, this is very much delayed. and by now, i already forgot a lot of things. lemme try to recall with my rotten memory. and i just checked my photos. shit. i didn't take anything much. !!! let's see how i can deal with this post without photos. :8O
since everything already revealed during chalet, i shall give all sorts of spoilers!!! (???)
flute chalet eve--saturday. lh and i went to burt's house to plan...only to end up doing nothing. LOL. hz called me on my hp, and we put it on speaker mode, talking about the food plan and all that. hahaha. we put the phone on top of pringles container and two candles beside it...and started to pray to hz HAHAHA
ok so we went home without quite accomplishing anything. i went home to watch... Lyrical Nanoha~~~(L) i set my alarm at 9.30am.
and woke up at 9.30am to switch the alarm off. hahahahaha. then lh called me at 10.30am...and reminded me that i had to work on our lottery coupon. (that was the main purpose of setting the alarm. and i conveniently thought i had more than enough time to do it. hehehe.)
so i woke up, did some last minute packing, and completed the coupon. wooh!!! (i promised to meet lh at 12.30. and i only went out at 12.30. LOL)
after lunch, i went to McCafe to find lh...only to find baato there! haha and we started to do some last minute packing of the lottery presents. secrets of the prizes revealed!!!

i dunno if this is a good thing or bad thing, but if you go to the
public album of the flute blog, this is the preview pic you will see-- stunned bird. teeheehee.

can you believe this? the guys got down to work while i started to take photos. wanna know why??? if i wrapped, the things will look more like trash than prizes. -.-

can't believe that the Qoo pouch can actually be wrapped. !!!

cursed hello kitty. LOLOLOL

i forgot what this is. :D

i'm not too sure what this smug look means. LOL.

you know... we're in the middle of McCafe and he wants to eat the mouse...?

?? meaningless photo?? hahahaa

sponsored prize courtesy of bird. hahaha.

heh... SECOND AND FIRST PRIZE! (which Wei Jun and Jermain won respectively btw. LOL.) a big part of it came from the pringles box.....
(pringles = second / ferrero rocher (how to spell sia) = first)

huiqin's prize i think. i took this photo just so we can try to spot the word Char Mee inside. but i think the photo didn't capture the essence. SO I JUST SHOWED YOU THIS PHOTO TO WASTE YOUR TIME AND FOR FUN HAHHHH

the lottery ticket! if you want the soft copy i can give you. (dunno for what.) one of the only good things that sprung from learning CorelDraw. (the words feel damn sarcastic when you know what you actually am receiving. LOL)

a final view of the prizes... i forgot to take the before picture!! either way, don't they look deceiving desirable! (the popular choice was the Hello Kitty. hahahahhaa.)

this guy crashed in on our clandestine meeting. i threatened to cut his ping pongs if he divulged this plan. God bless him for keeping it secret as he received the first prize :D (...i don't know if i really threatened him but whatever.)
then we made our way to the lau kokok chalet. ugh. it feels unmopped for centuries. no really, it's literally centuries. wah lao. i suggest a few ways to boost Coasta Sands Pasir Ris chalet's revenue:
1. Create ghost stories and spread them
2. Make it even dirtier and change name to Squatter Settlements Chalet
ok, enough making fun of this kampung style house. speaking of which, i remember having this convo with mn the day before chalet:
Me: hey, lh hz and bird all deciding to bathe at home leh.
Mn: huh!! why??
Me: cuz they say the chalet toilet damn dirty and disgusting.
Mn: ahh! if me i will... ... *silence* i dunno if i'll bathe there leh.
Me: diao!? aiyah then everyone just go home bathe lah bring what shampoo soap??
Mn: hmm yah loh yah loh. ok let's all bathe at home.
you realise our planning goes from 10% done to 1% done?? LOL
then, i forgot what happened. i think we started to slack. i have no idea. i think from this point my chronology of events super screwed.
from what i remember, wj, baato, mn, etc all ran off to fetch people or grab stuff? then razannah (i'm sorry. i just realised i dunno how to spell her name :DDD|||) came with her friends! who started to play hard gay... ...
*skip skip skip*

i patronise you with a meaningless photo of Liz and me. hmm. i have only one conclusion. time to cut hair. dohhh.
finally, the guys are back!
girls, repent. cannot cook. and now, cannot start fire and bbq. ok no lah. maybe some of us can. but i think i'm only relieving each of us the process of digesting food by instantly turning food into crap if i were to cook/bbq.
now, some patronising photos to show the fire starting process. LOL.

i dunno why wj looks damn happy.

i think baato took the photos. hah. guess what i was doing.
pouring charcoal from my life drawing lessons into the fire. dun wanna waste mah. X3

now even lh looks happy. -.-
k. i erh can't remember what happened here, but what i do know, in summary...
1. MGS Ops makes a very fun group game, ONLY if there at least 4 people sparring it out.
2. Razannah is very fun to play MGS Ops with. (hear her screams. even the most dead game sounds like roller coaster)
3. incentives work very well in games. there's a Keroro frog on top of the top player's head--and from then on, everyone started to scream about killing the frog man or robbing the top player for the frog. (the top player however, has strangely been referred to "WHERE'S THE FROG???")
4. Jermain is a psycho. he played MGS Ops with a straight face, and when i asked how it was, he calmly said, "it's a very exhilarating game..." <-- exhilarating leh, beyond exciting. SICK!
5. i forgot what's the name of the penguin game that baato brought, but it's actually quite fun and funny!!! ...if the tv weren't so high. -.-
after lots of scattered brain ness, we finally got down to... LOTTERYYY! well, i must say, i was quite worried about retribution, for obvious reasons. first, lh hz baato and i planned this in hopes of bringing some entertainment...the idea that the rest were unaware certainly nagged at me! second, most of the prizes...erh. should i keep a dark secret. ok since i already mentioned it... WELL erh... most of the things came from my house :DDD (which makes it doubly retribution worthy.) and third, highly linked to point number 2, we were trying to cut budget. HAHAHAHA----*rolls down the hill, picks up one wheel bicycle, rolls away...* boy. i am very amused by the lottery results. to see more of lottery photos...
(trying to make it look like an ad hahaha)
well, there are a few points of amusement...
1. Most of the winners were actually from flute section
(mn = burt's special edition tissue / hq = promotional char mee / wj = 2nd prize / jermain = 1st prize)
2. and because of point one, we were suspected of rigging the lottery (I SWEAR ON MY BUTT WE DIDN'T!!!)
3. the Gothic Candles were mistaken as funeral candles and were left burning at our chalet door to ward off evil
4. My sis won the empty Pringles box -- IT CAME HOME DAMMIT
when Liz struck lottery, i literally sprawled over the floor in shoujo style:

well, it was great fun! didn't have the chance, but really wanna thank the guests for their spontaneity! :DDD (retribution has finally befallen on me. i'm itching all over and creating scratch wounds everywhere, plusss i have a lot of orh-chei and ulcers. LOL)
either way... then lh, wj x 2, baato and i went off to bathe. baato tompang-ed me! i must say, i am very impressed because...
1. it was mn's mini bike and there were no back seats or the what you call it for standing on
2. it takes 3 revolutions of the wheel to catch up with lh's bike
3. baato actually manage to keep the bicycle stable throughout???
seriously. impresario!!!
(the next day, my butt orh-chei...)
thennn we returned to the chalet. haha. by then brain starting to die, so i don't remember what happened much--what i do know is that we started phoenix wrighting and psp-ing. hahaha.
ok. i dunno how to split the post to day two. i think i will end the post after describing the nighttime.
it was night. but there were many ghosts at Squatter Settlement chalet room T0...1 i think. the night was spent trying to figure out how the hell to play katamari multiplayer...and baato managed to figure it out!! :DDD i find the game play somewhat disturbing, cuz this was how it was...
Baato / Toylet (wj) / Tootsie (me) / Strahl (swj)
now the VS-mode is extremely stupid; basically we just roll treasures and try to win with the most points. now much like the Keroro frog episode, in this game, there's a twenty point treasure--the royal crown. and the King is stupid enough to say "shhh don't tell others you've got the secret item!" because anyone can tell that the one with the crown is the one with an impossibly high score. LOL.
now, the WJs have a tendency to kill each other even in gaming. their violence springs out like nobody's business. for some reason, Toylet started being quite powerful and often scored number one because of the royal crown. now this is how it usually went...
Strahl: everyone...target Toylet...flush him down...
(considering that the psp was mine and wj was borrowing it, i wonder what would have been if i were Toylet instead......)
then, soon, we got bored playing vs.
we changed to playing catching on empty Prince island instead. LOL. stupid sia. four Prince + Cousin running around. stupid!!! but strangely fun and funny. cannot take it lah--i dunno why we kept laughing. plus together we're gonna hit 90 years old and we're laughing over katamari catching. diao.
and i must admit--children really do have the most creativity. people were stupidly trying to find ways to conceal themselves. i remember two spots, one of which i will not divulge, and the other is...the stupid water. "hahhh can you see me?" of course i can. i see your red bon bon.
finally, we got sian and changed game to Gundam vs Gundam.
we couldn't log on continuously, until we realised that baato's psp kept crashing our connection LOL. then he said he gonna sleep for a minute...
...and he never woke up...
soooo strahl wj and i went ahead with the VS-ing anyway. now this is shameful, but strahl and i teamed up against wj...only to loose. grrr!!! hahahaha it was very amusing.
now i don't remember what happened from here on, but what i do know is that in the end we all KO-ed. LOL.
now before i end the post, let me mentioned something noteworthy about the sleeping.
5 asses were trying to share the bed. hz was playing phoenix wright i think. and at her feet was baato who was trying to use her legs as pillows. unfortunately it ended up with hz's legs off the bed. then came Fish wj. he was sleeping in this foetus position. so, just to pack in to the sardin can, swj also slept in the same position. and i just took whatever space was left.
now this is quite odd. i felt very cold, so i grabbed the spare blanket. but i couldn't sleep, and neither could hz. then, wondering if swj was sleeping, i finally asked, "erh... do you feel cold?"
WOW i've never seen swj more alive!!! he was sleeping, dead, but his head was nodding in rapid fire mode!!!
now please lah, cold just go and grab blanket leh?? liao. so i went to grab the next blanket (which i really intended to just hoard for myself) and dumped it onto the brothers.
for some reason, getting the blanket was as good as re allocation. wj convenient swam upwards. and so did swj. leaving poor hz to fall off the bed. HAHAHA
i don't quite remember how the night ended...
because i fell asleep! DUH HEE HEE!!!
next post -- day 2!!! (i shall try to survive without photos. -.-|||)