before i post about Day Two, let me talk about what happened just now.
i have been feeling abnormally tired the last few days, so i decided not to go online. however! today! i was determined to post...BUT THE INTERNET DIED ON ME!!
then my sis came back with me from the pasar malam. then she said, "AIYAH. last time pluck out router never put back lah. YOU TAUGHT ME TO DO THAT YOU FORGET ABOUT IT??? YOU PIG!"
how dare you people announce the death of my blog!? it LIVES! it was merely holiday-ing!!!
so, you will see the above post before i edit it to write the official day two. hyahayahyahya.
... i typed a whole bunch of things. then, before i could save my post, the idiot pc decided to restart straight after an installation was complete. I AM EMO!!!
day 2
OH WELL! whatever. i shall try to retrieve from my manual hard disk!!
i know this is the wrong place to start with disc 2. i mean, day 2. so like... i was suffocating. what with a bunch of foreign objects gathering chi energy all over the bed. too much yang energy... not good, not good *fans air*
this caught my attention.
one of the foreign objects SPRUNG UP 90 DEGREES!
it waddled towards the phone, checked...stealth looked around and waddled out of the room.
hmm, secret rendezvous i see.
my first reaction was to celebrate with huizhen (i think)... "more space!!!" so, excited about the new space, i started to shove swj towards burt. towards burt. what an interesting idea. what if he were to pile on top of burt??? : DDD more excited at the idea, i pushed the supposedly sleeping airship towards burt...
...and he started to resist.... i thought he was sleeping??? so he was in this really weird position. (imagine people lying face down he resting on his sides and lying face wall. LOL.)
then, i can't remember what happened. i know i KO-ed.
the a few hours later, i found swj snatching spaces again. hello!! burt had already left!! how come still snatching places!! grrr!!!
before long, mn came up and asked, "where's huiqin?" then she pointed at a lump beside me, "is that her?"
well, this is her leg:
wah. imagine mn's expression when she saw this man. classic.
so, we got up and were a bit overly excited about Mac breakfast. now, this is something i must clarify, and something i must confess. to be honest, i find Mac breakfast a total killer when it comes to prices, and there's nothing special about it. so why am i so excited???
this is the truth.
I am pretentiously pretending that the Mac Breakfast is a super special limited edition meal. there is absolutely NO reason, NOTHING, to be excited about the breakfast. but why am i so excited??? i think i explained. but then again, there doesn't seem to be any. let's just say i'm deriving lots of joy pretending that it's damn cool, because it's so cool, when you say, "let's eat mac breakfast!!!" people are like so damn 'onz' and saying, "yeah!!!!" and when passed the 10.50am mark, people are like, "NOOO!!!" like we know what we're hyping about. it's the acting in the know... LOL.
so, on the way, we met joanne and hilary! (somebody tell me their short forms because i'm clueless) then they left for the food court.
ok. wj was damn on about mac breakfast.
suddenly, he hesitated... and we loving seniors lovingly said... "go... fly free, little bird! we will not trap you to eat with a bunch of lao jiaos...!" hmm. he definitely flew away fast.
(i wrote that for dramatic purposes.)
so, we shiawase-ly ate mac breakfast.
then, we dispersed!! from here on, i do not know what happened. i think i went back, wrote xmas cards, and decided to sleep.
grrr. i think i drooled.
ok i think this is quite worth mentioning.
after i woke up, mn and party wanted to go get left over food from her loyang pri school teacher, who happened to have chalet at the same time and have a lot more food than we do. so, i was asked to guard the house before i meet hz and hq for kbox. you know, kbox was at 2, i woke up at 3. and i was still in the house by 4. LOL.
then wj was thinking whether to go. i happened to be behind him and looking at his ass. i do not remember whether i smacked it, but he was like saying, "okok, i know you love my butt right?"
"no, i don't love your butt.
i love all butts."
so, tata~ they went to collect food. and when they were back!!! we all went out~ and i went to meet hz and hq.
when i was at the kbox counter, i said to join room 27. (or was it 27? anyhow choose a lucky number) the receptionist said, "huiqin right? the room with 4 people?" ...(hq+hz)sq.? i was like "erh, i dunno. i only know got hz and hq." as if she'd have any idea who the hell i was talking about. LOL.
and when i went in... OHHH! so it's joanne and hilaryyy!
so like, i was in a daze from lack of sleep, and choose really wu liao songs. just then...the giggly duo at the side were doing something with hilary's phone.
"give me the phone!"
"ehhh? a message from weijun!!!"
paint this picture in your head.
freezing duo, turning to look at freezing LN, who was staring at them.
LN smiles.
LN picks up hp and says, "oooo! juicy news to update everyone!!"
anyway. here are a few points of interest when in kbox with this group of people:
1. Hilary and Joanne went in with shorts no longer than 20cm. the air con must've been 18degrees. the crazy jiggles.
2. Joanne is abnormally giggly. she giggles at the drop of a prawn cracker.
3. shameless peeps. they ordered tidbits like no tomorrow. i wonder if they charged us for it grrr. (it should be free...i guess...)
4. hz and hq are the ultimate lame pair. they can do ridiculously wu liao dance actions while singing but not even feel anything amiss. i didn't laugh because i was trying to fit in. <--???
5. i heard Joanne say, "actually our seniors are quite cute hor?" of course. one glimpse of the entire section and you will die from the overdose of cuteness.
6. Phantom of the Opera is indeed a universal song, but in different contexts. i was with a group that attempted to sing to the tune of "ahhh." but i guess exams must have bitten this group in the asses; i couldn't make out ooo from aaa.
7. The giggly duo were constantly running in and out of the room fighting for Hilary's phone and laughing and trying to absorb heat from outside (only to feel even colder when they return). crazy asses.
welll!!! it was an enjoyable session i must admit!!! only that the bill bit me in the ass. gahnn.
so, while on the way back, swj suddenly called. "where are you guys?"
"erh... just passed macdonalds--"
"OK?" *stops rigidly*
"go to Cheers, buy ice, butter..."
k, did you need to sound so military like??
so, we got back...and met two of lh and swj's friends! (i'm so sorry. i erh, am kinda good at remember names, so they will always be remembered as lh and swj's friends to me...) now...i don't remember what happened. what i do remember is this... we went for Mac supper. LOL. (liaoz. hype about mac breakfast then now mac supper. super buey sian.) on our way, we went past hao kou wei...
for some reason i can't remember who looked in, think it was wj, he suddenly said, "...OH LOOK IT'S A RAT!!" then we bunch of city dwellers suakoo looked in and watched the fat ass climbing all over the uh whatever you call it...i might be exaggerating but seems like it happily climbed over utensils TOO! and its accomplice appeared!!! wj tried to take a photo but it was much too blur... the two fat asses then waddled off to oblivion.
so much for Good Taste. cuz got jia liao right??? hah!!! this reminds me... Hilary and Joanne avoided oily breakfast to eat Rat Flavoured breakfast.. hahhh... heheheh...
then we ate at macs. i do not for the life of me remember what we talked about except me being quite out of touch with gay comics and swj expressing his approval. 'squuuzzzeee me? gay comics are quite funny you know???
hey hey since we're on the topic of gay comics, i must say this! loud and clear!!! i do not like soapy love each other pairings!!! the type where "oh without you i will die desu ne!!!" or love and sweet sweet desu! (that can only happen in a straight pairing!!!) i like...those with... FRICTION! especially one-sided love. AHHHHAAAAHHH! interesting right!!!! erh. whatever. on with the chalet.
so, we returned... ...
actually, what happened?
i think we started to...psp? or not? forgot liao...
hey, which night was it that lh, wj, swj and i played psp together??? i forgot le leh??? either way, this was how it went. i forgot the whole katamari part.
i remember, lh joined in the game of gundam vs gundam, curious. he paired up with wj. swj and i teamed up. i honestly thought lh as a newb would be no threat. so we tried to take down wj. but we lost.
then i realise...
"isn't fighting wj the same with or without lh?? ...only now it seems a bit more tedious???"
then i realise...
so, i smilingly announced... "li hong, i'm coming~~"
hehehehe. hahahaha. HAHAHAHA!!!!
that spelt the end to that fly. :D
i must comment this. pairing up with swj can be the most tu xue thing in the whole world. you can smashing your L and R buttons till they flew off and he still has no clue you're trying to team up with him for a special attack. either lh commented that first or i did, but it doesn't matter; the testimony stands. -.-|||
later on, wj decided to quit i think, and jermain came into the game. hey, i seriously think there's something wrong with the chronology of events. this seems super illogical. whatever. so, swj, being a sore loser, decided to team up with and bash the poor newcomers. lh was screaming, "unfair!!"
now let's see how unfair it got.
two people, who supposedly were more experienced, fought against two new butt cracks.
then, the butt cracks put their gundam choice on random.
we also put on random to be fair.
the butt cracks got power pack gundams
we got basically metal scraps
so, out of anticlimax
i do not know what happened. haaaa. but people suddenly stopped and went out...i think. i don't remember. i went out, and saw the chicken and the airship sitting along the walkway on chairs and enjoying the night breeze. what the hell???
soon, jj and (i think it was) swj who came in with a double person bicycle (what's that called again??). they went to cycle for a while... i think lh and jj went to cycle for a while too. it's an interesting pair to watch. LOL. then wj and i went out to cycle with swj to look for...lh and swj's friends! : D we watched them pitch tent... and then we left (??? wu liao???).
when we came back, i don't remember what happened. i think we all KO-ed. LOL.
i wasn't prepared for this, but i think that's all for day two leh???
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