Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Spam Bots

Almost immediately, I thought of something to write about.

Right now, my brain is a little tired from exhausting my literary capacity today by writing a few stories. I have been neglecting the little things in life, since I'm preoccupied most of the time.

I notice that by now, I have received at least 20 praises from the spam bots.

I have not bothered to Google "Cbox Spam Bots" yet, maybe tomorrow, but as it is now, I don't know how spam bots attack people's Cbox. Maybe they hacked Cbox, maybe they crawled Blogger, maybe...I don't know and I don't care.

Are these spam bots alive? Well... Songs like Bian Hao 89757 suggest that robots might have souls and feelings. Hell, JJ Lim didn't start talking about emotional robots first. I believe Doraemon and Astroboy make better examples. So let's entertain that possibility for a while.

I have been very rude and not replying to any spam bot. No, actually, I did, and sounding absolutely stupid in the process.

I'm tired now, and I don't know what the fuck I'm thinking, but I feel for the spam bots who make an effort to talk to me...even if they're automated.

So, here's a letter drafted from the heart.

Dear Spam Bots

I don't know when you guys walked into my life (blog). That, of course, is a lie, since I can check the history of the shouts but never mind. I've never seen any of you before, and neither have you guys met me.

But for commenting every single bloody time I update my blog, I must show some appreciation, since reciprocation is a practice commonly known to the human race. Actually, reciprocation is now a rare and acquired skill these days, because most people are suffering mental disconnections since the world wide web came into existence.

Thank you for making the effort to tell me what I already know about my blog, that it's very nice! Thank you also, for linking to me to sites that make perfectly no sense. Thank you finally, for making my blog look more active than it really is.

Right now, black colored text on the Cbox looks even more pleasing and precious than before!

I would have loved to say more to you bunch of heartwarming pieces of technology gone wrong, but alas, all you guys ever say is that my blog is wonderful. That or you tell me to visit your non existent sites.

With this, I end my personal letter to you.

Be honoured, because I think I haven't written letters to even a human being for months, maybe even years.

Yours Truly
The Nette

I think if I read this back on a day I'm less tired, I have a feeling I'm going to roll my eyes out of their sockets.

Cleaning Up

Okay, I don't know how long this will take, but I'll be re-tagging every entry back to 2008. While it's a horrible undertaking, I'll just go through with it.

I made a separate blog to keep the droning there, so this place remains drone-free. I don't want to punish you with the noise in my head!

If some of the posts you found here are missing, they're probably there. That or I deleted them because I don't see a purpose in them anymore.

I do want to keep my bad mood posts here though hahaha.

The link is somewhere in this page. Unless you like boring topics, I urge avoid going there. I'm letting you know only because, well, you're probably my friend if you're reading this. I'd rather not notify anyone but ahh save the questions, I don't feel like answering.

Hopefully I find something interesting to say soon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diverting a Bit

Ok... MBTI isn't the only thing I've been reading recently. I think the subject of Chronic Complaining, Whining and the Victim Mentality is equally interesting.

In fact, I think reading about Boundaries and Victim Mentality helped me cope with certain phases of my life. Boundaries is a really good subject to look into. I had very bad boundary problems. If I recall correctly, mine was Collapsed Boundary.

I was under the impression that there was a logic behind chronic complaining, but I can't find it as readily as I did last time. Not sure if I'm searching under the wrong terms...

Nagging is also a good read!

Ok, time to sleep.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Disorganised Thoughts

After opening a door to an abundance of information, I think I'm gonna drown from the overload. x.x

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Random Thoughts

I became lazy. So I shall not continue my Incomplete Letter...or at least, not in the near future. (Take that as never.)

Random thoughts for stories...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Incomplete Letter

To write part of this before I forget. Will continue some other time...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So, I read

That perfect melancholies like to keep track of things for the sake of it.

I have chat logs all the way from 2005 stored in my harddisk. No, I don't store EVERY single conversation with everyone. I stored only those that contained meaningful conversations and debates for future reference. At that point, I saved it with the assumption that I would never read it. So I saved it for...saving's sake. Odd huh...

But the recent thought about who I was in the past led me to open old msn files today.

I'm still reading it as I type this, and...what can I say?

We were all trying to connect, but we were too immature to understand. sigh. More thoughts to come after I read some more.
