Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So, I read

That perfect melancholies like to keep track of things for the sake of it.

I have chat logs all the way from 2005 stored in my harddisk. No, I don't store EVERY single conversation with everyone. I stored only those that contained meaningful conversations and debates for future reference. At that point, I saved it with the assumption that I would never read it. So I saved it for...saving's sake. Odd huh...

But the recent thought about who I was in the past led me to open old msn files today.

I'm still reading it as I type this, and...what can I say?

We were all trying to connect, but we were too immature to understand. sigh. More thoughts to come after I read some more.


Reflection part 1. I was pajiao. I didn't read people's words carefully and perceive what it was they wanted, so I ended up not answering the question. Dohhh.

part 2. I would attempt to explain my feeling, feel fed up with myself, and end off with my audience confused.

part 3. I...talked to the wrong person. All along...

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