mummy: ah niu and hawaii will be staying at our house from monday onwards for a week.
me/liz: where are they?
mummy: think they coming next monday.
today during work
liz: hey. they came here today.
me: huh???
liz: and they are staying for 3 weeks.
me: huh??????
these are our guests 阿牛 and Hawaii..
the one in front is ah niu and the one behind is hawaii. i think the 3rd dog should be called either banjo, ukelele or guitar.
i don't know what breed of dogs they are!!! seems like they are about 50+yrs old (in dog terms yes)...?
according to my mother, they happily peed in every other room... marking territories!?!?!
i dunno why, but ah niu smirks in the way his owner does (namely, my 3rd uncle -.-|||) hahahaha.
hawaii and her lumpy boops! she had 7 puppies before... think they were all sold!?
hehhh. let you see hawaii's face!
ah niu. he thinks the kitchen is a sanctuary. -.- he's ignoring his dog food and eating the roast duck!!
and hawaii cuddling on my uncle's private property--the living room sofa. (i think by now those who visit my house would have noticed that my Sleeping Buddha elder would always be found posing in the living room. -.-||| refer to the pic of the hoola hoop man in my previous previous previous post.)
so, when liz and i got home...ah niu had the audacity to bark at us.
and this was what i said to it... "The guts of you!!! this is MAH house dammit!!"
for some reason, after washing our feet, the dogs finally calmed down and realised that we were the true habitants of the house. -.- pee in my room some more i'll turn you into 狗不理包子!! (dog ignore buns -- found in Beijing)
hehe. they'll be here for 3 weeks. this is a good time to decide whether or not i'd turn out to really love dogs...or find their existence within my presence a complete mystery. woohoo!
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