I'm torn between betraying the survivors of this gathering and going home to play online game, or sticking around and talking kok.
Omg, I just missed wo3 cai1. I might miss liao2 zhai1 D:
Hmm. What should I talk about?
Okay... I've kinda forgotten how group gatherings to update about one another's lives can be rather interesting. (It's time like this where the description 'reserved' actually applies to me.) I don't like to update about my own life but that's besides the point.
I think one of the nice things to know is how people have grown up to develop an identity of their own. To be fair, I'd say nobody is really unique--we're mostly assimilations of our environments. Pretty much like chemical formula--this background, this pair of parents, this set of circumstances and our genes make up who we are today. We can either argue that to be the basis of our uniqueness, or just how much we're all really the same.
Don't you feel like sometimes, you fear being just another one, but at the same time, you take comfort in knowing you're just like everyone else?
But on the darker side of life, it's a little disconcerting to know that people we know have always had a predisposition for certain eventualities. Everyday, every minute and every second of our youth, we're exposed to environments that would spell our future. These form the basis of the future. And often, problems go undetected.
Like how, perhaps now we're all nearing or have reached adulthood, and then we realise an acquaintance has had a disturbing background, except that we never really knew until it's so late for us to know that their story now sounds too far-fetched or surreal for us to do anything about. Or how, someone who seemed so simple and light-hearted has turned to smoking and a sleazy lifestyle for relief from their real-life circumstances. Or how, people have never had a strong identity to begin with and fall into the wrong backgrounds...and become someone we no longer understand.
To be honest, I was horribly lazy to come out today. I have a tendency to withdraw into myself to feel comfortable. (Yeah... It's an introverted thing.) But oh well, I made the cold potato (with expert guidance hahahaha <3); no sense on being anti-social and eating it myself.
But it's always the same... I'd feel like not coming, and then I end up feeling glad I came.
The thing about gatherings is that you don't feel so absorbed by your own life. From a clenched state of mind, you unwind and open up, soak up external information (:O?!) and end up feeling less...erhhh close-minded, for a lack of better word. To put it negatively, it's a distraction. But then again, what's wrong with distractions? o.o
Just a thought I guess, sometimes, when people go on a never ending quest "to become", they easily forget "to be." Every second, time is dying, time is existing and time is coming into existence... While we're taught to think about our future (to become), I think most of us have never really quite learnt 'to be'. Kinda sad.
While a lot of us need the assurance of a better tomorrow, I think a lot more of us need more acceptance for our current state.
I had a good laugh listening to everyone's love lives today. Ahaha.
(You must've realised by now, that I don't know how to end my post. WOOH!)
14 years ago
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