Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mohawk Three

I didn't dare to take photo.

But one fine evening, while waiting to cross the road behind my primary school, Liz and I...saw a father on a bicycle, one son in front (about 5~7yrs old?) and one son behind (about 3~4yrs old?).


So freaking zai!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Recently, I joined a friend's RP (Roleplaying) group. Hmm. It just occurred to me that I...really suck at making friends. And maybe even keeping friends.



Oh well, I don't know how the RP group is gonna work out, but it's pretty interesting. I was just thinking I needed an outlet to bounce ideas off others and my friend suddenly came to me with this. I joined. Erh... Let's just say, I'm currently interacting with only my friend and another person who was nice enough to respond to me. The rest...hmm. I do wonder if I...sound...too old.

...Thinking about this, I've always thought I'm probably one of the most retarded and childish of any given group, but at the same time, people keep calling me old. Why is that???

While I'm happy enough as long as I get to write stories with others, it'd be nice if we get along.

...I'm really not as mean and stiff as I sound... In fact I kinda think I'm full of BS -.-...

Before I forget, the reason I posted was cuz I read a fic I wrote last year. 75 pages, incomplete, line drew my attention!

"All grievances must be addressed, returned, and with interest."

Wahhh I thought this sounded kinda cool. Haha! ...Yeah yeah talking to myself again... Haha.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

LAN Gaming

I went for a LAN gaming session with some secondary school ex classmates: Kegan, Qijie, Russel, Helmi and Brian. Wow. Almost all of them haven't changed one bit!

Oddly, I don't have much to say about the outing which started at about 1.50pm or so... We played L4D2 and Warhammer! Well, I was kinda familiar with the hosting of games on L4D2, so yeah, kinda felt funny the guys didn't know how to start and host a game.

Hmmm. Qijie likes to solo, Kegan likes to ADHD on us, Helmi likes to swim around and be just as lost, and Brian and Russel are cooperative but clueless. xD Quite funny.

Warhammer's pretty fun. I've never played RTS games, but wow, I dunno, my strategy was basically: 0. Nothing. Haha. I just built...and built and built and joined Brian and Qijie's alliance to bombard the rest xD

Hmmmm $7.80 to lan. Hmmm. Interesting.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Malay Spam!?!? And some thoughts...

LOL!! WTF! One of the newest chat tags is Malay message just because I said I attended a Malay wedding!?! The only Malay words I know are satu dua tika ampat simbilan terima kasih and akan datang!!! (I don't even know if I spelt correctly!!!)

So, I should be expecting Chinese and Japanese spam tags soon??? Humor me please... Even a "kuso yaro" would be nice....

That aside...okay. Apparently, I hadn't realised how much human contact actually disturbs and disrupts my inner world so much that I have to shut down for a few days and do nothing but deal with stories and data to regain any sense of myself. Facebook had a very detrimental effect to my balance, to be honest. I mean, I don't know why but being in that circle for that few days or weeks was fun initially, but eventually started to eat me from the inside out (!??!).

Randomly talking about it only because I greeted a friend on sms and she asked if I had Facebook...

I don't know, but being on Facebook generated a lot of 'clutter' inside me that I felt was very unnecessary and distressing. I don't really know what was going on when I read Facebook. Just had this info overload, yet not enough data kind of feeling...

Time to go back to living in my head. Best place to be! (Y)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Odd weight

So odd. The more I become conscious of what there is in my head, the more I wonder. Is there a way for my mind to actually shut up? I seem to be stuck in a reflecting loop with no answers....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So strange

I feel like spoiling a child at the moment, and I don't know why. It's 4am, and I'm thinking of this kinda crap.

Seriously, I don't know if I ever learn this, but I really start behaving and thinking weirdly when I don't get enough sleep. Weird is a given... But this is just weirdly normal, and normally weird to me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Anyway, something I was suddenly thinking today...


Some people make the existence of brains a complete myth man!!!

I thought for a few times

Then I clicked the "Post" button on a thread I created. I don't know. I mean, the post was an attempt to understand more about the people that I've been interacting with for the past year and a half. The thing is, we talk, we game, but I don't know if we really understand one another.

And the thing also is...

They aren't actually interested in the kind of things I think about!!! Ok lah, not really... Depends on the subject. It's just that...self disclosure is something that, coincidentally, they are ALL uncomfortable with.

I was very disinclined to post because to be honest, as much as I want to understand their personalities more (and *cough* see if my understanding of MBTI functions has improved), I don't know if I'm intruding their personal space. Yeah, considering what I'm guessing their types to be, I can imagine and respect the space they want to be given. Don't really wanna make it awkward.

But heck. Hell. If I don't ask, I probably won't ever know.

Ever since I found out how my lack of understanding towards INFPs wrecked two of my friendships, and how we live in a world without certainty...I don't know, man, I don't know...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Lately, I've had a few reasons to cry, varying from something lame to something pretty heart wrenching.

First, Tenjo Knight in Zettai Kareshi died. )': I like his straightforwardness and his selflessness. Well, he's a robot... But yeah...

Second, I wrote a story and a sadist I (as a writer) actually grew to like had to die. There was just no way for him to survive and well, he had to die, because his existence was not meant to be... Kinda depressed me.

And finally...

A Japanese colleague who keeps in contact with Liz via office email wrote a personal email to her telling her about his personal viewpoint of the whole Japan earthquake thing. I don't remember the exact details but anyway...

He's a recently married man with a one year old baby. He wrote about how he and his Korean wife were just newly wed, and now everything has been turned upside down. Nobody died, but I'm not sure if it was his home he was referring to that he said he could see minor damages. Because of the whole thing, he decided to send his wife and his baby to Korea for the time being. He's very sad that he has to send his baby back to Korea, especially now that his baby (don't know if it's a she or he) is still in a growing up phase and is constantly wanting to play with him. He was lucky to book a flight bound for Korea. He wrote about how he keeps seeing the increasing death toll, the radioactivity thing... There's power shortage and he lives with blackouts for some lengths of time. He's going to be alone, and he doesn't have the heart to go to work anymore. He asked for well wishes.

His English was poor and broken, but his feelings and thoughts were beyond his words.

I don't personally know him, but whenever I think about his predicament, I can't help but cry.

My uncle's wife is currently in Yokohama, and I don't think she's exposed to any form of danger yet...

I'm not sure why I'm crying so much about things that don't even concern me recently. It does however, give me a better perspective on the things that matter to me...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What is it with impressions

Are my words very coded or something?


I'm gonna attend a Malay wedding.

I don't know what to do there. So, I asked my gaming mates at 3am last night what to do there.

"Eat, drink and be merry!"
"Smile, nod"

Great advice.

That sounds more like about living than about going to a type of wedding I've never had any exposure to before though....

Sunday, March 6, 2011


WHY would random people join a perfectly good random game JUST TO RUIN IT???

I CANNOT understand players who join games JUST to ruin it for others by messing around with the console commands, shooting team mates deliberately, killing team mates and laughing on top of it... Like...if you're SO FUCKING bored...GET THE FUCK OUT AND GET A LIFE!

(I DON'T mind it if the whole team were either NPCs or my friends...AT LEAST we know what we're doing and we don't care about restarting. BUT NOT WITH STRANGERS WHO ARE JUST LOOKING TO COOPERATE AND PLAY!)



Stupidity annoys me. The end.

Don't understand.

I don't understand why I should get off the computer/game for a week and stay at home for a full week to do nothing.

It hasn't happened, but my mother said, "I think you'll die if you don't touch the computer/game for a full week. You are addicted."

Bullshit--we went to Japan for two weeks and I certainly didn't die. Well granted I brought my PSP, but I spent most of the time sleeping or watching Jap TV that the PSP's influence wasn't all that great.

Well if others can stay at home to do nothing but sleep, lie around or watch tv, I don't see how my computer activity/gaming is any different from those.

And EVEN if I wanted to do something else, aka write stories, it's still done via the computer anyway. If I'm not using the I'd be doing something sooooo constructive, like...sleeping? Drawing terribly ugly pictures? Watching tv? Maybe jog for 10 minutes on the spot before I feel lazy and go back to sleep?


PLUS...the people I interact with mostly these days are online. Phones are a hassle. (My HP is dying btw, battery spoilt.)

Well yeah maybe if I spent an hour exercising a day she'd screw me less about this, but really, this is getting old. Stop harping at the addiction thing. I DO NOT go to work trembling and suffering from fits from lack of gaming. I also DO NOT go overseas and jump river because I have no games or computers. I DO NOT try to emulate Left 4 Dead 2 (are you playing?) behaviour and go around chopping people with guitars or trying to snipe that ass who doesn't do his work.

Okay let's review the whole addiction business. only find joy playing games. You feel depressed not playing games. You play games at work and lie to your colleagues and friends about your gaming activity. You feel that your achievements online are greater than those offline. You cannot stop online activity and you crave for more online time. You neglect family, friends, social activities and you lack physical activities.

Let's clarify a few things. I find equal joy sitting at the coffee shop holding meaningful, interesting or funny conversations...provided they are such. I enjoy writing stories as much as I play games, and I certainly don't feel depressed not playing games. I DON'T play games at work, not even lunch time now. I do recognise my achievements in game are just there, in game.

As for the stopping online time, well, most of the time if I don't stop, there are only two reasons: 1. I want to get something done in game. 2. I'm chatting with friends. You call this a lack of social activity?! (I consider it social!)

As for lack of physical activities, let's just say I was never really a big fan of them ever since my consistent group of people playing badminton, block catching (??!!) and all that stopped gathering. I dislike staring at the tv and following their acrobatic...stuff.

NOW...the neglecting of family, friends and social activities. THIS has more to do with my personality than games. I HAVE always been the weird outcast since I was in primary school even before games existed. I spent and still spend a lot of time in my head. Mind you, my entire secondary school life didn't have games until holidays, and that period of time, I'm not exactly known to care about family or friend affairs either.

On top of all that crap, my personality clashes with the family and they have a harder time understanding me than I can understand them. They have more expectations on me than I have on them. No I don't find it understandable and mutual. You are you and I'm me, so let's leave it at that.

I don't know about the rest, but I don't seek the game for 'euphoric feelings' or to rid myself of 'empty feelings.' (On the contrary, I recently felt emptiness playing games instead of not.) I seek it for mental stimulation, for something to work on, to think about and well, to find friends I can talk kok with. Writing stories is the next thing that draws my attention most, but sometimes I get tired thinking of the next part to write on so I fall back to games to do things.

Well, yeah, maybe I should be spending this amount of time finding a night part time job and breaking myself apart and earning lots of cash... Yeah, that'll do... At least if I'm not spending time with the family, I'm working for money for the future... What a theoretically satisfying thought!

Why am I even blogging about this?

I'm just tired, I guess, for being grossly misunderstood. I don't really see a need to change the things I do just for show. Oh, yeah, and I do apologise for the times when people were at my home and I started using the computer instead of playing PS2 like I should be, or bringing my laptop to people's house... I do that for two reasons... 1. I happen to have a rare friend online. 2. Too many people, so do my own thing lor. It's based on the wrong assumption that everyone is probably enjoying everyone's company regardless what they're doing individually...but being the extremely dense ass that I am, that's probably not a good thing to assume.

Let's just say, I find games very mentally engaging and I like it. I don't see how I'm different from people who sit close to 12hrs in front of the tv, and I don't see a reason to be discriminated as such. And I absolutely hate walking 8hrs outdoor aimlessly (NO destination, NO agenda, and worse, SHOPPING WITH NO MONEY OR PLAN), essentially wasting my time--I certainly think playing games is a better use of time. Personally. And... Period.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I wanted to type something

Just to see if I type really fast. But the thing is, I have no topic in mind. I don't feel like my fingers are especially fast, they actually look kinda slow compared to what I see on the TV all the time, and the words aren't exactly...a lot.

Well maybe it's because I'm generating stuff on the fly right now, so the typing rate goes down... Then if I have some kind of reference it might be faster...

But I'm not particularly impressed by the looks of my fingers moving!!!

(And I'm even less impressed with the amount of Backspace I had to hit. Sheesh...)