Sunday, May 17, 2009

some thoughts

hmm. i started to think about my blogging habits in the past. i only started blogging in 2004. it was on another blogging service, which i will not name so you cannot trace ;D i started it only because i wanted to link with some other friends.

then about last year start or what i stopped using it. not sure for how long i opened and closed blogs on blogspot, then i started this blog as you see it. then after a while, i'm back to not blogging regularly. o__O erhh. wonder why.

then again, what i used to blog about were pretty negative lah. so i don't really wanna go back to blogging about what i used to blog. so emo. some more dunno when people can take my stuff, analyse it or take it apart, then attack me indirectly on their own blogs. it's quite sad, and i used to be a culprit of that myself, so, yah.

which sometimes gets me wondering, is it better to say everything on your mind, or is it better to present just the rosy image? the rosy image loses its realistic touch while being overly 'honest' may just be being irresponsible with your words. i mean, have you ever been attacked brutally with words and have it explained away as "honesty"? then honesty must not be a virtue in that context. not just because the words hurt people, but because it's an excuse for people to take no responsibility in their words.

is it true you can be the person you choose to be? or are we destined to grow into what we were originally designed to be? who designed us, the environment or ourselves? there are those who hold parents responsible for a kid's personality/behaviour, while parents are more likely to blame it on bad influence from friends or just genes that they believe they cannot correct. now there are studies on eye irises to determine whether a person is evil from birth. so should we eliminate the child from birth if he has the eye iris or the genes of a criminal? one side of the world argues that it's a mix of genes and environment that make up the personality, the other argues that it's largely genes.

and as a child, do you often wonder whether to blame yourself, your environment or your parents for who you are? are you able to eliminate blame? does it feel wrong to you to blame your parents for who you are? does it feel irresponsible to blame the environment? on the contrary, aren't people supposed to be "children of the environment?" apart from the two views about genes and environment, one more has opened up the possible 'truth' that it is 5% genes and 95% environment.

going off tangents as usual haha. one thought just led to another. you know... the world is entertaining in its own right when there are so many possibilities that people pursue. and precisely because there is so much information, it gets pretty difficult and confusing to discern the 'truth'. there are many issues that don't concern right or wrong, but it gets dragged into the picture because we simply want to win a case. who follows a 'wrong' person?

i'm itching to type, but i dunno what to type. hope it didn't bore you. haha.

on a side note, isn't it about time blogger put the fields in, "Listening to" or stuff like that? or is it already in place, just that i dunno where it is? haha.

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