Sunday, January 9, 2011

$1,000 to erm, beautify your eyebrows

(This post was for two days ago)

I don’t comprehend this. SGD $1k can nab you… (either/or)
2 months worth of breakfast, lunch and dinner
10 months worth of just lunch on only working days
2 computers
A trip to overseas
750 Gold on games
Almost half my yearly savings plan (one of them)
Close to 2 months worth of utility bills
Etc etc

But why? Why would the average clerk spend SGD $1,000…to beautify eyebrows??!!??!!

I cannot comprehend it, nor do I try to. For some reason, I can understand spending $1k on a full set of clothes including shoes and bags, a huge treat to treat an entire department worth of people, or…or just iPhone10.

But… $1k? On…eyebrows???


I’m still baffled.

Are the results of beautifying your eyebrows that earth shattering? I walked past the clerk today without even noticing anything!

(Woah, now THAT’S kinda earth shattering when I think about it.)

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