1. EOY = End of Year. it is usually held end of year (HAHAHA wu liao) at SGExpo and it costs $10~$12 to go for the event. it is organised by Shiro Tsubasa Animation Club (STAC). i have fantasized about an antagonistic animation club called Kuro Tsubasa Animation Club. then again it think it's better if i called it KPAC. (Kian Pa Attitude Club)
2. i dreamt that i kept reaching EOY only at 8pm. ?????
3. and because of that repetitive nightmare (i swear the scenario repeated 3 times in my dream) i woke up to eat mac breakfast.
4. and because i was such a lazy ass i ended up eating BK food for lunch. -.-
now, be warned. there are not many photos in this post. you won't see much cosplayers. actually, you won't even see anything that is highly relevant to the event. you will only see stupid photos. because the photographer is stupid.
as i made my way into the hall, i came across these amazing statues or whatever you call these pieces of art that have been there for years but i didn't notice.
either he's break-dancing or doing something really sick.
his sick neighbour.
ultimate expression of joy.
now instead of hurrying to the event i was taking sick photos. (bet you're saying "it's just you!!")
first and foremost, let me apologise. i was searching through my archive of photos when i realise i only took 3 normal photos. the rest are pointless.
as i got up the elevator, i was surprised/shocked/amazed to see an extremely large crowd gathering outside the event hall, and an extremely long queue to the ticketing booth--except that was no one in the line. i felt quite stupid going zigzags just to buy the ticket because well, there was no one. hahahaha. makes me wonder what the heck the people outside are doing. gathering chi energy?
then as i got to the booth, the person brightly asked.
Receptionist: are you a member?
Me: well... i signed up as a member a few years ago. does that count?
Receptionist: :D... ... erh i guess so? ahhaha.
Me: hahaha...
Receptionist: $10 please! here you go.
... k. sometimes lack of security can be a wonderful thing. (but without a doubt, i really am a member, in case you think i robbed the poor soul of her $2. it's just that i don't have authentication certificates...)
so i went in, and went straight to manda aka carol's booth. (in case you're wondering who that is, it's the siao cha bo secretary who's in the 1985 batch of Hai Sing Catholic Band. i'll let you know about our strange friendship next time. it started from a fateful day of our school library art competition. oh? there was art competition from the library??) as usual, she pretended not to see me. LOL. dunno why our meeting very standard one. always act like never see me. hahahaha.
then, i forgot what happened. serious. hahha.
i think i went to chat with a fellow drawing friend called Lian (a bubbly lady who feels young at age). it's pleasant talking to her because she's always bubbly! cool to share sentiments about buying habits with her ;D
then we saw this:
...wtf is this? bug?
i saw this guy cosplaying as the scythe holding person in Guilty Gear. Lian and i were wondering if it was a guy... we were quite sure cuz there were no humps no lumps, but erh...he was a bit flabby.
after that while acquainting myself with the booth, i encountered my ex-classmate, ex-schoolmate and ex-ccamate, Valentine. he is named Valentine because well...he was born on Valentine's day?? :D||| he was my pri 6 classmate, my club mate in poly and well, because same club so same poly = schoolmate lor. this is the amazing thing that most of us (i assume) agree on...he looked like this last time, and now he still looks like this. LOL. consistency man. he is this weird techno freak. weird guy lah. we were talking some weird crap. (the only thing i remember about him in pri school days is that he said he played FF8 and leveled up to lvl 99 when he hadn't even finished the Dollet Mission because he didn't know where to go. HAAAA)
now, i must highlight this...please do not feel offended if i do not greet you on the streets. i have a very powerful ability to not see people despite them being in my face. i was walking to the toilet when i heard someone calling me. then i stared...and..."OH HELLO YOU!" hahaha. sai. it's another ex-club mate, Kenny. he was cosplaying as 25yr old Lambo from Katekyou Hitman Reborn which i happen to only read book 1 so my favourite character is automatically gokudera hayato.
then after i went to the toilet, i went to buy lunch--and when i was done, i charged past the lunching tables when i once again heard my name called. still my ex-club mates, except that they are my seniors. LOL. shit man, missed 2 people in a row. i have a feeling i missed more people. erhhh.
while on my way, i swear i saw a 5yr old lambo who looked really like lambo. COOl MAN but shit lah, didn't take photo!!
when i got back, i tended to the booth again. if you ever get a chance, do some booth sales. it's one of the most satisfying and fulfilling things to do. nothing beats counting money. hee. this is what i usually love about going for conventions--selling things and counting money. (tell you a secret--manda was close to hitting FOUR digit figures ;D i'm expecting a mountain of xmas presents. :DDD) did i tell you i loved being a cashier?
it might be due to my recent choice of jobs that i've started to become a little more...hmm what should i say. i find striking conversations with customers very interesting. some of them are easy to connect to. some are just erh...in their own world haha. there are those who don't want to connect with you, so just let them be. there are those who are a little pensive and need a little pushing. and there are those who are scarily intiative. some of them are having insider conversations, but just give them a knowing smile and they know you are in their frequency :)
afterward, manda told me that her art was in the art competition. i wanted to vote for it, so i went around asking the staff how to vote. the receptionist directed me to the information counter people. when i asked though, the staff went to ask his neighbour who asked him to ask someone else. and when he came back, he told me it was already over. LOLOLOL voting is over before 3pm?? are you serious?? (there were no numbers on the art display board so i don't know how i was supposed to vote in the first place)
this is the guy whom i asked and ended up very blur:
masks make you dare to wear anything. HAHAHA. (that's manda in the background. don't worry, she looks exactly the same as in 2002.) despite his very funny service, he's quite a nice chap. when i asked if i could take his photo, he smiling said yeah sure. and i got out of the booth cuz i didn't want the lighting to hide his face. when i went to take his photo, he was very enthu (resulted in this pose). and he laughed at the end of the photoshoot. i forgive him for his blurness.
i saw a Gwendolyn and a Velvet from Odin Sphere! ...but forgot to take photo. quite ok lah. (random comment.)
a mini sidetrack. this is quite unimportant but i find it very funny. my two seniors from JCG (japanese cultural group) were having a conversation.
Randen: how to spell Sebastian!?
Ben: S E B A S T I A N ...
Randen: S a b e...
Ben: S E B!
Randen: wah lao damn hard to spell man!
Ben: wtf are you trying to spell with the dictionary???
Randen: neh! got lah!!
Ben: wtf is that?? Pabastian??
Randen: ok, spell again.
Ben: S e b a s t i a n.
Randen: .....again again?
Ben: S O N . O F . A . B I T C H
LOLOLOLOL (this senior damn cynical one. not scared of people hamtam-ing him. then randen also another one, always waiting for retribution to befall cuz of his qian bian ness. i imagine they are the president and vice president of KPAC.)
cuz Liz wanted to see the Odin Sphere characters so we started to wander. suddenly Liz burst out in laughter. i wondered what it was and she pointed to a direction... amused i went to chase the source of the humour:
isn't she cute and lovely??? hahahaha! i tapped on her shoulder and said, "auntie you look very cute! can i take a photo of you??" hahahahhahaha!
somehow we started a conversation and she started to tell me how her mother and grandmother hate the japanese due to the occupation. when i asked her how about herself, why she was there, she said her son was the booth owner (i saw her at the booth also). then she said she felt that there was no point carrying over the hatred of the previous generation to the current one :) she added that cuz she was a Christian. haha! so i thanked her for the little exchange, and went on my merry way :D
lovely. it'll be great if we all had a more open mind to niche activities like this. (we have much to learn from this pirate helmet wearing lady!)
random side note, i only have on surviving grandma who's a bit autistic (likes to talk to herself and answer her own thoughts), so i find it hard to imagine i can ever hold a conversation like that with her. hah. (my father's an exact copy of her.)
hehe. Liz and i had a little photoshoot! i shall put only three photos that i feel can make it.
i wore this silly cap that belonged to manda.
see. she looks the same right. (this is my contact photo that would appear whenever she calls.) that's her own canbadge on her erm cap.
so i took photos of myself in it. stupid Liz didn't tell me my expression sucked. this is how it turned out:
CHIIBEI so much white in my eyes!!! so i requested a reshot.
ahhh. looks much better. :D
Liz. LOL. she had a lot of act cute shots. i shiver when i look at them, so i better not post them. this one suits my blog better.
a few normal photos badly taken to humour you:
you see the one with the horn? that's Kenny, cos-ing as Lambo. a junior cum friend called Kaya and i were making noise, saying: "KENNY! KENNY! LAUGH OUT LOUD! LAUGH OUT LOUD!" in the end he cannot take it and smiled. AHHAHA.
show you something damn silly.
this man was walking around half naked. dunno what action is this (preparing for photoshoot)
guess what he is doing.
HAHA HIS MOUSTACHE NEARLY FELL!! now ready for photoshoot. hahaha.
either he's sniggering or his moustache was threatening to fall.
on a side note, d'you see the white hair girl beside the masked person? if i'm not wrong, she cosplayed aeris (ff7) before, and she looked really sweet. and if she is that person...she is actually a TP student. what i found creepy is that...she looks better in cosplay. LOL. i shall not say more. her original looks will remain in the deep recessions of my memory forever. i will seal her looks in my mind as the sweet, demure girl.
this is another random addition:
it may be too small, but that's ranma. it's unclear. but i was amazed that this person brought a kettle. (if i'm not wrong she's maria.) hahahaha. kettle leh. hahaha. (???)
pathetic it may seem, but those are all my photos. :D
i saw a couple of old friends. :D people like tashigi and bakaneko. i thought they wouldn't recognise me, but when we greeted, it felt pretty nice. :) years do seem to have passed! here's another friend:
she very qi guai one. i wanted a contact photo of her, so i asked her for a photo. she said, "ERGHHH why didn't you take earlier?? all my makeup is GONE!" and she automatically went into photoshoot pose. HAHAHAHA.
on a stupid quest to look for Odin sphere characters as i've mentioned, we stumbled upon bargain corner. bargain my ass man--we spent $60+!!! (although they were indeed bargain prices...)
the deathnote trading cards (27pcs) and the Arc the Lad VCD are my purchase. the rest is liz. guess what. mine costs a total of only $28. LIZ' BLOODY POSTCARDS COST $40+!!!! the bleach card is a little complimentary for spending so bloody much. hahaha.
actually i only wanted to buy this pair. but for individual pieces, only R was left. sian. so i had to buy the whole set. ok lah, the art quite nice lah. i know L more popular but don't litat leh. they are one pair! :D (no gay ness intended.)
i must talk about this. remember the friend i mentioned we broke off but are now talking terms? her cousin borrowed this from me and disappeared with it forever. must be my good karma for this to appear at the bargain corner at the price of only $3!!! i was damn touched. when i returned a dragon ball comic i borrowed because i didn't have the movie, the movie was on sale shortly after. so guys, if you lose something, accumulate good karma. these things will appear somewhere else. now i expect my lost Griever keychain from ff8 will appear somehow if i do more good deeds...
pardon me. i looked at this for a while and was thinking of oddities when Liz decided to buy it. then i blurted out, "she's on a toiletbowl or what?" some more got toilet paper all over her???
now me being on high after greeting some old friends and networking a bit with customers, i started to converse with the shop owner Lyndia. i left my contacts with her just in case she had something to sell. (i dunno why i left my contacts with her instead of she giving me her contact.) i asked if all the stuff belonged to her...she said yes. i swear she could've opened a shop. (the stuff we bought makes up only 1% or less of the stuff i saw there) amazingly all her things were all in such good condition they could have passed off first hand. and she confessed, "i was a crazy fangirl who bought everything about the series i liked....." hahahaha. confessions of a nutcase. i caught some gay trading cards on sale and i said, "huh? you dare to sell this openly ah?" she said, "so far only two people commented on it so i think it's ok lah." cool.
i had to send Liz off to the atm because we were so dead broke. orz
right after this, the comic circle regulars (???) decided to go KTV Party World. 7 of us... manda, sana, knightcat, Lian, Jacqueline, Liz and CK (Lian's friend). CK didn't come for the event, but she was gonna meet us later on. so i looked at manda and said... "so...you want to drag your luggage all the way to chinatown? :D" she yah hoh me. LOL. some more we were travelling from Expo all the way to china town with four or so people dragging luggages (their artworks etc on sale). bloody looked like tourists. hahaha.
we had dinner. and went to Party World. ok. i don't know what the hell was wrong with us. a bunch of us dragging goods all the way to some ulu KTV and counting money, exchanging money and counting stocks. we were illegal immigrants man. i was quite creeped out that the waiter was very calm looking despite a bunch of crazy asses singing out of tune while he was around. ...
now i don't remember much of what we were doing there (except manda molesting me all the time because she was sitting beside me. or was i molesting her? -.-), but i do remember this... here are 3 songs i feel are damn good group songs:
1. Where is the Love -- a bloody sutra everyone chants in different accents
2. My Humps -- not sure what's so funny but it made everyone laugh
3. Phantom of the Opera -- for obvious reasons
i swear i never sounded more woman.
by the time we were done, it was 1.30am... ugh. then manda, knightcat, Liz and i shared cab home. ahhhh. i am penniless.
so please understand when i say i don't want to go out. LOL die liao. dunno how to survive man. i don't understand leh. i thought i am the King Queen Joker of the Giam Society. why am i so poor?? must find my way out of this rut.
this day definitely turned out 100x better than what i expected! and well.. erh... i kinda don't know what happened at the event actually, cuz i was out of the main hall most of the time. hahahaha. it is time for me to consider what i want out of my drawings! (if it can nab me something close to 4 digit, then...$u$$$$$$)
now, i shall go pack my room. have a great day. wee!!
i just remembered something. this is unimportant, but, i took photo of someone's underpants. now i can blackmail that person. better buy me presents or i circulate your grey undergarment all over the cosplay circle. hee. (the flash was on when i took the photo. somehow the person cannot feel one.)
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