i found ze photo that is my cooking!! : DDD
k. i didn't cook the potato... Liz did. now that's an over peppered lump of eggs, shared hot dogs and randomly splashed in bacon. i forgot to take a photo of it when i added the cucmber, but that's ok. : D
(bet you'll never want to order this from me. LOL.)
now, on to other mundane stuff!
personally, i found the following an utterly strange sighting. don't you think so?
it's a bloody public phone!!! shouldn't public phones be silver and high-tech-wannabes?? why does it look like it came straight out of sesame street?? (do you like to eat black sesame paste?? i do!!) Liz said it looks completely normal. IT DOESN'T! it's meant for mac delivery calls man.
k. now even more bo liao sightings.
i saw two fat birds perched the area where i usually eat bak chor mee.
anyways a few days ago i had lunch at tampines mart (well.. my colleague drove us there :D) when i suddenly heard noisy chirping (if that's what it is)... three mynahs were supposedly having lunch. but one of them was making lots of noise, directing at one of the bigger birds. but the two bigger birds bochupsiao the bird and continue to eat??? then it made noise and followed the bigger bird all over the place!! i think it was scolding the bigger bird for snatching food. LOL. super noisy idiot.
now!! angels have descended at plaza sing!!!
Oooo... angels look like that :D
random prettiness (<-?)! (the angels look like pepper shakers...)
talking about lunch. (k. this is like, jump super far) we went for lunch on friday afternoon at saltwater restaurant/hotel/dunno what at changi village. :D our superiors treated us to it. i don't know why. so while we waiting for people to gather, Liz and I went adventuring...and saw this!
Ooooo!!! (???) No more birds! (...lame)
then we had buffet! man. they cook spaghetti the way my mom cooks it.
evidence. LOL. (it tastes like my moher's cooking. weird.)
now you may be wondering what sai this is. this is butter egg bread with raisins, coupled with sweet sauce! when i first looked at it i thought it'd taste damn shiawase (幸福 / full of happiness). but when i tasted it... blah it's chawanmushi!! (i happen not to like it)
well i had a couple more food than the ones i took, like tasty shepherd's pie, meatballs, strangely home made tasting salmon, hazardous deserts... and we had lunch for 2hrs. omg.
yah yaha! one last stupid update i promise!
we went shopping at Giant with my parents and stumbled across stupid looking bearybanks.
(buey hiao bai call itself fashion...you fashion i vogue man!)
(cool man, you can rub tummies as you call!)
this is what i call wannabe man. LOL. identity crisis. this strangely feels China made.
that's all~~~ heehee! on to the EOY convention!!
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