Wednesday, December 3, 2008

oh no...!

my main laptop is out of commission... have sent it to my neighbour to vet it. dunno why the programs keep stopping~~ quick quick revive! metal gear acid 2 is only 57% done!!!

so, i most likely won't be updating for maybe 2 or 3 days. ;D

today, i was lunching at the pantry. then deciding that i had too much free time for lunch, i took a nap.

i fell asleep.


i jolted awake as i saw a colleague staring at me and my sis an-chio-ing beside me.

was that ME????

my sis appeared :) all the way as i laughed slightly at my silliness and walked back to the office. once we passed through the door, Liz changed 180degrees and started laughing maniacally. idiot. is my snorting that funny??

somehow, i wished my colleague started laughing, cuz all he did was stare. it's damn creepy ok???

grrr. i sounded exactly like my dad when he sleeps!!! ppeeeyuuu genes!!! *fans air*

in all honesty, i am very tired. and i do feel like chucking in an emo post for the sake of it. but i have nothing to emo -.-||| this is something silly i realise about myself. when i'm tired, i automatically emo. nothing has to happen--i will just emo. LOL. shit i just lol-ed. then after i try to emo, i will end up doing stupid things like :D to Liz and giggling at my own moronic behaviours. shit. *smacks self*

i'm blogging only cuz i'm checking this laptop for my dad and uninstalling programs. Liz is correct--the old laptop has a better typing feel. did i mention that a fat friend cracked my laptop screen under his tremendous weight? yeah. that's this laptop. the screen's changed. so it's working. buttt it's intel celeron, so...too bad lah u.u (i got it free from singtel plan!).

i wish i could write more entertaining things, but that's all for today. ugh. i think my dark eye rings are eternal. oh dearrr. till then!!! (L)

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