Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wahjong Online

First and foremost, I officially do not apologise for not updating. :D i was suffering from brain damage due to work (routine mah) and a continued lack of sleep. and why?? i keep playing ff3 ever since phoenix wright Ace attorney ended!! (i was super emo, until i realise...there are two more parts to download and play!!! :DDD!!!!)

so now, before i update about Chalet (two weeks liao......), i officially announce...

babyychoco (<-- correct anot? haha)

:DDD come find us if you want~~
(dunno about the rest, but this is my idea of a countdown program LOL. and huizhen will be playing live mahjong.. so sad... abandon us... #$&#@(*&#@ !!! and emily internet down. wahhh.)

shall update about chalet in a later post~~

(dunno if you saw this post on flute blog. I POSTED ON THE WRONG BLOG)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Bicycle that rolled Down the Hill

before i get out of my house...

Watch at timing: 2:08 meaningless!!! i'm amazed the person didn't even turn back to look at her!!! (so why did he stop in the first place!??!?!?!)

Today is ze Day One!


yes, you criminal. you has notz posted for DAYS! DAYS I SAY! zis is shoopid.

this is irrelevant (i got tired trying to sound like french, thus the lack of 'zis'. is it even french??? l'amour!) but you know, recently i outbursted (???) in jap outside my company. (the company i'm working at is a japanese company) i was inside. i looked outside. NO THE COMPANY TRANSPORT WAS RUNNING AWAY! Liz insisted it was impossible to catch up. but NO. NO WAY! so i dashed out of the building, waved my arms around in the sky (i think i was jumping and running at the same time) and screamed, "MA-TEEEE!!! (wait)" and screamed it multiple times while i jumped up and down the pavement. thank God cars were zooming by (in that strangely ulu place called ALPS avenue), so the bus couldn't move. the driver looked left, and saw me jumping outside his door. ... surprisingly the door opened. LOL. and Liz was like ai mai ai mai, like wanna run dun wanna run. HAH.

the next day i went to work. my colleague asked, "...yesterday you chase bus?" i was like, "HUH? you saw?" he didn't turn to face me, but said... "yah. i saw a monkey jumping around."


whatever. gahhhnnnnn.

what am i doingz oh NO! i am supposed to design a flimsy piece of paper.. but here i am! flirting with you! OH KISS KISS!

you know i realise i haven't actually said anything related to my blog title?? ...

ok. today, is chalet day one. much as it is supposed to be a disaster, i find it strangely funny however. THIS IS COOL! there was a hype for the chalet for about a month...and imagine! one day before the chalet! someone tells you...


impromptu THAT'S an interesting first. LOL cannot believe this man. receive call, put on speaker mode for all to hear, and messages are transmitted over MSN and telephones. macham got emergency operations. hahahahaha. dunno the crisis come from where one.


1. Play PSP / NDS
2. Play PSP / NDS
3. Play PSP / NDS


1. Eat macdonald's
2. Eat maggie mee
3. Eat grass (we can bbq it first and make Sambal Kangkung out of it)

:DDD *gets kicked, rolls down the hill...grabs the bicycle and cycles away* (refer to Swing Girls show. hahahhaa.)

i am very curious how the first day will turn out. hahhh :D

...i realise i have not received my weekly dosage of I guess I guess I guess guess guess. i am very sad. my lameness is not keeping up. Liz is smacking me for my lameness more than anything else. wahhhh. wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pooooooo~~tt tt ttt ttt . next time, i will post the story i composed on Tenchu: Time of the Assassins (you know ze mission builder?). it's bloody wu liao. damn satisfied laughing about it last night. hahahahahaha.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

pointless post

i wanted to blog. but huizhen and i were on the phone. so. this page loaded for 1hr+ and it's still contentless.

WELL! i have an announcement to make.

i finally own an NDS Lite because i was too curious about a lawyer game.




i really am poor... ... *dies*

(what a pointless post. some other day lah!)

i want baato's jap learning programme on nds!! and remember your cockroach story!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

EOY day~ Lots of happiness!

before i begin on the EOY itself, here are some pointless information.

1. EOY = End of Year. it is usually held end of year (HAHAHA wu liao) at SGExpo and it costs $10~$12 to go for the event. it is organised by Shiro Tsubasa Animation Club (STAC). i have fantasized about an antagonistic animation club called Kuro Tsubasa Animation Club. then again it think it's better if i called it KPAC. (Kian Pa Attitude Club)
2. i dreamt that i kept reaching EOY only at 8pm. ?????
3. and because of that repetitive nightmare (i swear the scenario repeated 3 times in my dream) i woke up to eat mac breakfast.
4. and because i was such a lazy ass i ended up eating BK food for lunch. -.-

now, be warned. there are not many photos in this post. you won't see much cosplayers. actually, you won't even see anything that is highly relevant to the event. you will only see stupid photos. because the photographer is stupid.

as i made my way into the hall, i came across these amazing statues or whatever you call these pieces of art that have been there for years but i didn't notice.

either he's break-dancing or doing something really sick.

his sick neighbour.

ultimate expression of joy.

now instead of hurrying to the event i was taking sick photos. (bet you're saying "it's just you!!")

first and foremost, let me apologise. i was searching through my archive of photos when i realise i only took 3 normal photos. the rest are pointless.

as i got up the elevator, i was surprised/shocked/amazed to see an extremely large crowd gathering outside the event hall, and an extremely long queue to the ticketing booth--except that was no one in the line. i felt quite stupid going zigzags just to buy the ticket because well, there was no one. hahahaha. makes me wonder what the heck the people outside are doing. gathering chi energy?

then as i got to the booth, the person brightly asked.

Receptionist: are you a member?
Me: well... i signed up as a member a few years ago. does that count?
Receptionist: :D... ... erh i guess so? ahhaha.
Me: hahaha...
Receptionist: $10 please! here you go.

... k. sometimes lack of security can be a wonderful thing. (but without a doubt, i really am a member, in case you think i robbed the poor soul of her $2. it's just that i don't have authentication certificates...)

so i went in, and went straight to manda aka carol's booth. (in case you're wondering who that is, it's the siao cha bo secretary who's in the 1985 batch of Hai Sing Catholic Band. i'll let you know about our strange friendship next time. it started from a fateful day of our school library art competition. oh? there was art competition from the library??) as usual, she pretended not to see me. LOL. dunno why our meeting very standard one. always act like never see me. hahahaha.

then, i forgot what happened. serious. hahha.

i think i went to chat with a fellow drawing friend called Lian (a bubbly lady who feels young at age). it's pleasant talking to her because she's always bubbly! cool to share sentiments about buying habits with her ;D

then we saw this: is this? bug?

i saw this guy cosplaying as the scythe holding person in Guilty Gear. Lian and i were wondering if it was a guy... we were quite sure cuz there were no humps no lumps, but erh...he was a bit flabby.

after that while acquainting myself with the booth, i encountered my ex-classmate, ex-schoolmate and ex-ccamate, Valentine. he is named Valentine because well...he was born on Valentine's day?? :D||| he was my pri 6 classmate, my club mate in poly and well, because same club so same poly = schoolmate lor. this is the amazing thing that most of us (i assume) agree on...he looked like this last time, and now he still looks like this. LOL. consistency man. he is this weird techno freak. weird guy lah. we were talking some weird crap. (the only thing i remember about him in pri school days is that he said he played FF8 and leveled up to lvl 99 when he hadn't even finished the Dollet Mission because he didn't know where to go. HAAAA)

now, i must highlight this...please do not feel offended if i do not greet you on the streets. i have a very powerful ability to not see people despite them being in my face. i was walking to the toilet when i heard someone calling me. then i stared...and..."OH HELLO YOU!" hahaha. sai. it's another ex-club mate, Kenny. he was cosplaying as 25yr old Lambo from Katekyou Hitman Reborn which i happen to only read book 1 so my favourite character is automatically gokudera hayato.

then after i went to the toilet, i went to buy lunch--and when i was done, i charged past the lunching tables when i once again heard my name called. still my ex-club mates, except that they are my seniors. LOL. shit man, missed 2 people in a row. i have a feeling i missed more people. erhhh.

while on my way, i swear i saw a 5yr old lambo who looked really like lambo. COOl MAN but shit lah, didn't take photo!!

when i got back, i tended to the booth again. if you ever get a chance, do some booth sales. it's one of the most satisfying and fulfilling things to do. nothing beats counting money. hee. this is what i usually love about going for conventions--selling things and counting money. (tell you a secret--manda was close to hitting FOUR digit figures ;D i'm expecting a mountain of xmas presents. :DDD) did i tell you i loved being a cashier?

it might be due to my recent choice of jobs that i've started to become a little more...hmm what should i say. i find striking conversations with customers very interesting. some of them are easy to connect to. some are just their own world haha. there are those who don't want to connect with you, so just let them be. there are those who are a little pensive and need a little pushing. and there are those who are scarily intiative. some of them are having insider conversations, but just give them a knowing smile and they know you are in their frequency :)

afterward, manda told me that her art was in the art competition. i wanted to vote for it, so i went around asking the staff how to vote. the receptionist directed me to the information counter people. when i asked though, the staff went to ask his neighbour who asked him to ask someone else. and when he came back, he told me it was already over. LOLOLOL voting is over before 3pm?? are you serious?? (there were no numbers on the art display board so i don't know how i was supposed to vote in the first place)

this is the guy whom i asked and ended up very blur:

masks make you dare to wear anything. HAHAHA. (that's manda in the background. don't worry, she looks exactly the same as in 2002.) despite his very funny service, he's quite a nice chap. when i asked if i could take his photo, he smiling said yeah sure. and i got out of the booth cuz i didn't want the lighting to hide his face. when i went to take his photo, he was very enthu (resulted in this pose). and he laughed at the end of the photoshoot. i forgive him for his blurness.

i saw a Gwendolyn and a Velvet from Odin Sphere! ...but forgot to take photo. quite ok lah. (random comment.)

a mini sidetrack. this is quite unimportant but i find it very funny. my two seniors from JCG (japanese cultural group) were having a conversation.

Randen: how to spell Sebastian!?
Ben: S E B A S T I A N ...
Randen: S a b e...
Ben: S E B!
Randen: wah lao damn hard to spell man!
Ben: wtf are you trying to spell with the dictionary???
Randen: neh! got lah!!
Ben: wtf is that?? Pabastian??
Randen: ok, spell again.
Ben: S e b a s t i a n.
Randen: .....again again?
Ben: S O N . O F . A . B I T C H

LOLOLOLOL (this senior damn cynical one. not scared of people hamtam-ing him. then randen also another one, always waiting for retribution to befall cuz of his qian bian ness. i imagine they are the president and vice president of KPAC.)

cuz Liz wanted to see the Odin Sphere characters so we started to wander. suddenly Liz burst out in laughter. i wondered what it was and she pointed to a direction... amused i went to chase the source of the humour:

isn't she cute and lovely??? hahahaha! i tapped on her shoulder and said, "auntie you look very cute! can i take a photo of you??" hahahahhahaha!

somehow we started a conversation and she started to tell me how her mother and grandmother hate the japanese due to the occupation. when i asked her how about herself, why she was there, she said her son was the booth owner (i saw her at the booth also). then she said she felt that there was no point carrying over the hatred of the previous generation to the current one :) she added that cuz she was a Christian. haha! so i thanked her for the little exchange, and went on my merry way :D

lovely. it'll be great if we all had a more open mind to niche activities like this. (we have much to learn from this pirate helmet wearing lady!)

random side note, i only have on surviving grandma who's a bit autistic (likes to talk to herself and answer her own thoughts), so i find it hard to imagine i can ever hold a conversation like that with her. hah. (my father's an exact copy of her.)

hehe. Liz and i had a little photoshoot! i shall put only three photos that i feel can make it.

i wore this silly cap that belonged to manda.

see. she looks the same right. (this is my contact photo that would appear whenever she calls.) that's her own canbadge on her erm cap.

so i took photos of myself in it. stupid Liz didn't tell me my expression sucked. this is how it turned out:

CHIIBEI so much white in my eyes!!! so i requested a reshot.

ahhh. looks much better. :D

Liz. LOL. she had a lot of act cute shots. i shiver when i look at them, so i better not post them. this one suits my blog better.

a few normal photos badly taken to humour you:

you see the one with the horn? that's Kenny, cos-ing as Lambo. a junior cum friend called Kaya and i were making noise, saying: "KENNY! KENNY! LAUGH OUT LOUD! LAUGH OUT LOUD!" in the end he cannot take it and smiled. AHHAHA.

show you something damn silly.

this man was walking around half naked. dunno what action is this (preparing for photoshoot)

guess what he is doing.

HAHA HIS MOUSTACHE NEARLY FELL!! now ready for photoshoot. hahaha.

either he's sniggering or his moustache was threatening to fall.

on a side note, d'you see the white hair girl beside the masked person? if i'm not wrong, she cosplayed aeris (ff7) before, and she looked really sweet. and if she is that person...she is actually a TP student. what i found creepy is that...she looks better in cosplay. LOL. i shall not say more. her original looks will remain in the deep recessions of my memory forever. i will seal her looks in my mind as the sweet, demure girl.

this is another random addition:

it may be too small, but that's ranma. it's unclear. but i was amazed that this person brought a kettle. (if i'm not wrong she's maria.) hahahaha. kettle leh. hahaha. (???)

pathetic it may seem, but those are all my photos. :D

i saw a couple of old friends. :D people like tashigi and bakaneko. i thought they wouldn't recognise me, but when we greeted, it felt pretty nice. :) years do seem to have passed! here's another friend:

she very qi guai one. i wanted a contact photo of her, so i asked her for a photo. she said, "ERGHHH why didn't you take earlier?? all my makeup is GONE!" and she automatically went into photoshoot pose. HAHAHAHA.

on a stupid quest to look for Odin sphere characters as i've mentioned, we stumbled upon bargain corner. bargain my ass man--we spent $60+!!! (although they were indeed bargain prices...)

the deathnote trading cards (27pcs) and the Arc the Lad VCD are my purchase. the rest is liz. guess what. mine costs a total of only $28. LIZ' BLOODY POSTCARDS COST $40+!!!! the bleach card is a little complimentary for spending so bloody much. hahaha.

actually i only wanted to buy this pair. but for individual pieces, only R was left. sian. so i had to buy the whole set. ok lah, the art quite nice lah. i know L more popular but don't litat leh. they are one pair! :D (no gay ness intended.)

i must talk about this. remember the friend i mentioned we broke off but are now talking terms? her cousin borrowed this from me and disappeared with it forever. must be my good karma for this to appear at the bargain corner at the price of only $3!!! i was damn touched. when i returned a dragon ball comic i borrowed because i didn't have the movie, the movie was on sale shortly after. so guys, if you lose something, accumulate good karma. these things will appear somewhere else. now i expect my lost Griever keychain from ff8 will appear somehow if i do more good deeds...

pardon me. i looked at this for a while and was thinking of oddities when Liz decided to buy it. then i blurted out, "she's on a toiletbowl or what?" some more got toilet paper all over her???

now me being on high after greeting some old friends and networking a bit with customers, i started to converse with the shop owner Lyndia. i left my contacts with her just in case she had something to sell. (i dunno why i left my contacts with her instead of she giving me her contact.) i asked if all the stuff belonged to her...she said yes. i swear she could've opened a shop. (the stuff we bought makes up only 1% or less of the stuff i saw there) amazingly all her things were all in such good condition they could have passed off first hand. and she confessed, "i was a crazy fangirl who bought everything about the series i liked....." hahahaha. confessions of a nutcase. i caught some gay trading cards on sale and i said, "huh? you dare to sell this openly ah?" she said, "so far only two people commented on it so i think it's ok lah." cool.

i had to send Liz off to the atm because we were so dead broke. orz

right after this, the comic circle regulars (???) decided to go KTV Party World. 7 of us... manda, sana, knightcat, Lian, Jacqueline, Liz and CK (Lian's friend). CK didn't come for the event, but she was gonna meet us later on. so i looked at manda and said... " want to drag your luggage all the way to chinatown? :D" she yah hoh me. LOL. some more we were travelling from Expo all the way to china town with four or so people dragging luggages (their artworks etc on sale). bloody looked like tourists. hahaha.

we had dinner. and went to Party World. ok. i don't know what the hell was wrong with us. a bunch of us dragging goods all the way to some ulu KTV and counting money, exchanging money and counting stocks. we were illegal immigrants man. i was quite creeped out that the waiter was very calm looking despite a bunch of crazy asses singing out of tune while he was around. ...

now i don't remember much of what we were doing there (except manda molesting me all the time because she was sitting beside me. or was i molesting her? -.-), but i do remember this... here are 3 songs i feel are damn good group songs:

1. Where is the Love -- a bloody sutra everyone chants in different accents
2. My Humps -- not sure what's so funny but it made everyone laugh
3. Phantom of the Opera -- for obvious reasons

i swear i never sounded more woman.

by the time we were done, it was 1.30am... ugh. then manda, knightcat, Liz and i shared cab home. ahhhh. i am penniless.

so please understand when i say i don't want to go out. LOL die liao. dunno how to survive man. i don't understand leh. i thought i am the King Queen Joker of the Giam Society. why am i so poor?? must find my way out of this rut.

this day definitely turned out 100x better than what i expected! and well.. erh... i kinda don't know what happened at the event actually, cuz i was out of the main hall most of the time. hahahaha. it is time for me to consider what i want out of my drawings! (if it can nab me something close to 4 digit, then...$u$$$$$$)

now, i shall go pack my room. have a great day. wee!!

i just remembered something. this is unimportant, but, i took photo of someone's underpants. now i can blackmail that person. better buy me presents or i circulate your grey undergarment all over the cosplay circle. hee. (the flash was on when i took the photo. somehow the person cannot feel one.)

mundane update~

nowww! before i begin on my saturday that was unexpectedly pleasant for an event that robbed me of $10, i shall update the other mundane things of my life~

i found ze photo that is my cooking!! : DDD

k. i didn't cook the potato... Liz did. now that's an over peppered lump of eggs, shared hot dogs and randomly splashed in bacon. i forgot to take a photo of it when i added the cucmber, but that's ok. : D

(bet you'll never want to order this from me. LOL.)

now, on to other mundane stuff!

personally, i found the following an utterly strange sighting. don't you think so?

it's a bloody public phone!!! shouldn't public phones be silver and high-tech-wannabes?? why does it look like it came straight out of sesame street?? (do you like to eat black sesame paste?? i do!!) Liz said it looks completely normal. IT DOESN'T! it's meant for mac delivery calls man.

k. now even more bo liao sightings.

i saw two fat birds perched the area where i usually eat bak chor mee.


anyways a few days ago i had lunch at tampines mart (well.. my colleague drove us there :D) when i suddenly heard noisy chirping (if that's what it is)... three mynahs were supposedly having lunch. but one of them was making lots of noise, directing at one of the bigger birds. but the two bigger birds bochupsiao the bird and continue to eat??? then it made noise and followed the bigger bird all over the place!! i think it was scolding the bigger bird for snatching food. LOL. super noisy idiot.

now!! angels have descended at plaza sing!!!

Oooo... angels look like that :D

random prettiness (<-?)! (the angels look like pepper shakers...)

talking about lunch. (k. this is like, jump super far) we went for lunch on friday afternoon at saltwater restaurant/hotel/dunno what at changi village. :D our superiors treated us to it. i don't know why. so while we waiting for people to gather, Liz and I went adventuring...and saw this!

Ooooo!!! (???) No more birds! (...lame)

then we had buffet! man. they cook spaghetti the way my mom cooks it.

evidence. LOL. (it tastes like my moher's cooking. weird.)

now you may be wondering what sai this is. this is butter egg bread with raisins, coupled with sweet sauce! when i first looked at it i thought it'd taste damn shiawase (幸福 / full of happiness). but when i tasted it... blah it's chawanmushi!! (i happen not to like it)

well i had a couple more food than the ones i took, like tasty shepherd's pie, meatballs, strangely home made tasting salmon, hazardous deserts... and we had lunch for 2hrs. omg.

yah yaha! one last stupid update i promise!

we went shopping at Giant with my parents and stumbled across stupid looking bearybanks.

(buey hiao bai call itself fashion i vogue man!)

(cool man, you can rub tummies as you call!)


this is what i call wannabe man. LOL. identity crisis. this strangely feels China made.

that's all~~~ heehee! on to the EOY convention!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

chip n dale - my kind of humor

i found a chip n dale vcd in my collection. so i started to watch it.

i highly suspect that my sense of humor and my favourite type of stories, character designs and my interaction with my sis were all greatly influenced by chip n dale. (no doubt...i have more affinity and affiliation with dale.) while i was watching, i laughed for many reasons

1. plain stupid
2. the chipmunks are strangely practical
3. resembles very much like two mafia characters i designed (will into you to them one day LOL)
4. i pictured myself as dale and my sis as chip and that made it 5 times funnier
5. it was in cantonese

i was in great shock when a commander went "yad yi sam sei!!" (1, 2, 3, 4...)

some episodes i watched last night.

you are 5 steps closer to understanding me. HAHAHA.

anatomy: hair

hi. i can't remember what crap happened recently for me to think about the topic of hair. now, may i add that my laptop is ripping my CD but it's vibrating violently. does it hate SMAP that much? -.-

so, hair. yes. marvelous hair...i think this topic has something to do with Katamari. the King of All Cosmos was talking about some kinda hair...when he decided that the Prince was too young to understand and that it was to obscene for him to know. hahhh.

(have you come across people who hold this dialogue with you?
You: ugh i'm dropping hair...
Someone: what hair?

yes you can bet $1 that i'm probably that someone.)

now, this is a thought i have wondered for quite long... considering that our society now bangs on smooth, hairless skin, much defying nature's law, what were the ladies of the past like? if i'm not wrong, artists of the past were pretty honest; they slapped masses of black furballs at the shy reserved ulu corner called the armpit. and the 春宫画 of the past slapped the forest at funny places too. ignore what i just said.

i think this topic also came about when i was having this convo with Liz.

Me: why so mah fan? just wear shorts lah.
Liz: you think i'm like you meh? reveal leg hair to the world.
Me: you where got hair???
Liz: ...

(i imagine she'll punch me for writing this dialogue on my blog.)

but serious, what HAIR? honestly speaking, i have little hair on my legs. but the kind of stuff that arises from my leg hair is this...

Random Auntie: Ah boy! come and try this food out... *looks up* OH SO SORRY!!

fine. so i have legs that resemble that of a man's and my leg hair is strangely messy despite its low quality.

now i have always been pretty slow when it comes to issues relating to growing up (mentally or physically). the two incidents that got me pretty self aware were two very insignificant issues... ... ok not very insignificant.

Pri Classmate: hey hey hey, i ask you something
Me: ?
Pri Classmate: do you have armpit hair???
Me: .... #*&(#@&*# what if i don't and what if i do???
Pri Classmate: AHAH! judging from your reaction, YOU DO. HAHAHA. AHHA.


then, some years later.

Me: *raises hand to rest on wooden block on top...* <--???


so, these two pretty insignificant issues planted the seed of fear of raising my hands. you see, one of my goals was to remain au naturale for my entire life, and that includes preserving all parts possible. bet you didn't want to know that. but these two incidents were pretty ... hmm what can i say. well!

i don't think you want to know what happened after that. it's not something just anyone can stomach. LOL.

so, i forward it to something more decent, but not by much.

there are a few reasons why i don't go swimming. first, i can't swim. no, rather than can't, it's more like i won't. i feel uncomfortable trying to swim in a place full of people. i don't like to bob my head underwater and i dislike wearing swim suits. yes. that is the major reason. swim suits.

now i bet your brain is scanning info faster than i am typing this. yes. link it... swim suits and hair.

two stories (once again) have tainted my idea of swim suits paired with hair. the first is a stupid joke my mother used to tell me:

Two women went to buy swim suits. One of them changed into a swim suit and asked, "How do I look in this?" The other woman smiled, "You look wonderful!" But she suddenly frowned, "This swim suit is badly tailored! Let me get rid of the bad sewing." And when she did, the first woman cried in pain.

seriously, wtf was my mother telling to a primary school kid???

the second is a real life incident. i was not present. but when i heard the story, it's super ..erh... i don't know how to put it.

Recount: I was swimming and this friend came rushing down. She was struggling so I tried to help her--but I came face to face with her black forest...

GOOD GOD. from then on the phrase black forest became eternally taboo. hahahhahahaa.

the last is not very important. someone told me about a comic artist who drew in her "after comic column" a short comic of her cutting her shy hair when she realised she accidentally shaved her curious hair at the bottom. k. either that's open-mindedness or just terrorism in this new age. (this artist draws ridiculously lame gay comics.)

hahhhh! i think that's enough hair for you. you grow one step closer to understanding me. NEXT! oh shit i forgot to upload my singing. whatever. i wanna talk about my favourite cartoon next! : DDD

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

sentimentality today~ no lame stuff~

allll right, a break from my usual lame stuff. i went to daiso today and got meself some card holders to transfer my Dragon Ball, Sailormoon, Final Fantasy VIII, Bomberman, Rockman and Tamagochi 20cents cards into. as i was searching for my ff8 cards, i stumbled across my two boxes of memories, literally.

i keep all sorts of junk dating all the way back to 10yrs ago, and in the midst, found meself lots of odd stuff, from friends and enemies alike haha.

i found the letter from a friend written to me when she wanted to break the friendship! i'd lost it for 5yrs but now i accidentally found it O.O (anyway after 5yrs we're on talking terms now haha.) i kept a couple of the weird things she gave me, like her card as the President of a certain club (which technically speaking was her own creation LOL).

then i found weird things from another friend, like an SM-ed owl. or another friend, who bought things back from Shanghai and produces rather professional art actually. and another friend who bought me a pencil board (shitajiki), houshin engi.

i thought i'd remember all sorts of negative things, but's the day i realise how much a softee i really am. *shivers* i didn't think i'd keep all the things i kept. i even kept the special force card my classmate designed for me (i am an agent who upholds justice!), or a letter from an indonesian friend through another pri 6 classmate.

then coming to greeting cards and i actually have the Christmas cards that my section gave me! (actually, not too surprising, considering i still keep the birthday card that my property agent Miki Koh sent me) i kept the diary/organiser meiching gave me ('s aged to a stage that it is...beyond useability...). i have most of hq's cards, some of hz's cards, etc etc. (and i realised that lh is not a man of many cards. LOL.) hmmm what else? i haven't completed my rummage since i really need to sleep soon... but it's quite a bit of old fragments of memories.

garghhh i swear my mood was sinking with a kind of nostalgia that is much too depressing! brrrr. looking at my card collection brings me much joy though.

do you think it's painful? to hold on to fragments of happiness of the past that no longer exist? there's a kind of hmm, melancholy in the objects. while i don't crave for the tiring excitement that i experienced while i was still schooling, and i'm not too sure if i desired that kind of experience anyway, i guess all that happened for a reason. i can only imagine how each individual's memories that are kept within my stash would react if i let them know that these things still rest in my corner.

but i'd never do that. you might already notice, i am pretty weak at following up--quite contrary to popular belief (???).

this might be the wrong blog to talk about my sentimentality! but i think it's not a sad post now is it? :D

just wanted to say and hint--give me something practical that i can use, so i won't stash it for some 10yrs. food would be good--they'd expire for only at the most 3yrs. LOL.

(oh shit, lameness returned. HAHAHA)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Hello all!!!

It's time to save the earth!!!

I have things I want to get rid of, but can't bear to throw it way! So, I hope it's of some use to you! If it's of use to other people you know, or the Salvation Army or whatsoever, then... Please visit this site~ (L)

Maybe You Can Use It

If you cannot remember the site, just remember--broken English. :D!

regular update + SOUNDS!

even if my posts make only one person happy (in this case baato LOL), i will be happy :DDD HOWEVER! i have nothing to update today. now let me think...

1) i got my laptop back about 3hrs ago. it's clean, empty, and re-partitioned. :DDD my C drive was only 30gb big while my D drive was 100gb big. siao. now it's 60+ 60+! heehee.
2) i haz not started on flute t-shirt design. oh no.
3) me was searching for the sounds of my fyp. i just listened to it. shit man, wtf is that???

before i proceed to allow my sounds to be downloadable, let me show you a clip that is supposed to be tragic, but makes me laugh all the time.

HAHA can't help but laugh at the crap dubbing. LOL. fine. my humor is weird. so be it. weee!!

HEY WHAT IS THIS? Add link, add picture, add video......but no ADD AUDIO???

fine then. i shall upload as a link...

Welcome to the beginning of my Seiyuu (voice actor) future!!

i promise i will upload my singing in my next or next next post--except in a voice similar to this crap zip file. hahhh. (did you think i'd put my real voice up?? LOL.) while i was dubbing the monster in my room, my mother was laughing at the living room. is it really that funny??? it's bloody noisy.

if you downloaded the zip file and listened to it, drop me a tag and tell me whether it's just plain noisy or whether i have a bright future as a voice actor for monsters ahead of me. thanks (L)

in future, if i feel brave enough, i may upload clips of myself dancing. but not this year. i ain't feeling brave, and judging from the clip content...i guess what my friend said is true--i look normal till i speak. (and move.) LOL.

AHAH! you noticed it!! (noticed what?) ashiar_kun! ahhh... nostalgic. he is my character--a character who has short hair and his father was ripped off from some other character from an anime i LOVED! (whoever asked you this?) end of faq. wee.

i want to network play during chalet!!! i want play katamari, metal gear ops, ff tactics, puzzle quest----anything that can multiplay!!! especially the first two!!! (L)(L)(L) did i mention that i felt sad watching the katamari clips while playing the game (part 2 on ps2? i lost the game)? especially when the King's father threw his trophy into the water. awwww. and then he goes retrieve it. i still feel touched when i think about it. (this is quite disturbing. my friends were sitting around laughing and i was near to tears when i saw the trophy fly into the river. grrr. immensely disturbing.)

k, i'm hungry. i shall RUN! ;D

Friday, December 5, 2008

something new and controversial

(i am now using my 256ram pc.) so far i've been on safe sides of topics. now, i venture off to a forbidden subject that has been, well, forbidden for about a year or two now. it's regarding my personal characters.

my personal gay characters.

NOW! before you proceed with this highly controversial post, here are a few pointers about my opinions:

1. i have nothing against gays/les/homosexuality, nor do i support it
2. i do not favor or sympathise with homosexuals because, well, they are people too (would you pity a guy for being a guy and a girl for being a girl? or a girl for liking a pai kia or a guy for liking a nerdy girl? LOL odd comparison.)
3. homosexuality is strictly none of my business.

now, other pointers about the post:

1. i can be quite vulgar (please buzz off if you absolutely despise and abhor vulgarity...but please do not colour your vision of me with it! : D)
2. i can be crude (as proven in previous posts)
3. it's well, disappointingly lame

now that you are equipped with these foreknowledge, let's go on to the meat of the pick! (???)

these are the names of my two main gay characters:

Kaninabe Chiba x Oishi Uya

now. you may wonder what's the meaning behind the names. "Kaninabe" supposedly means steam boat crab, while Chiba is a prefecture. but as a Singaporean, you'd probably see something else. now's the time to rejoice the fact you are a local!

then, there's another character. Oishi Uya. "Oishi" is big stone, but what i really wanted to imply was "oishii", delicious. and why Uya? Hah. wear your sweaters, my mates, a cold wind is gonna blast your faces. it means!

Up Your Ass! (U Y A)

yes. delicious up your ass. symbolic, suitable, suave. (???)

(i just realised that the sweaters protect your bodies while the wind blasts in your face. HAHAHA)

i pride myself for my lame creativity.

actually, there were some side characters, whose roles are undecided. here are some names:

Kaobe Kaobu (it has a nice Japanese ring)
Shibei Warau
Shibei Wakau (brother or something)
Ran Jia*
Ran P*

(the last two are too vulgar. does not look too good for my blog. so, i will leave it to your imagination)

i was thinking Kaobe Kaobu is the 3rd party. but the story plot never formulated, so, who cares what his role is??

initially, there were two stories. one was the Sushi Outlet, where sushi in this sense just means boys. LOL. so the story starts off with Kaninabe Chiba going into the Sushi Outlet, to see Oishi Uya served on a super big plate on a super large conveyor belt. the rest of the story is unknown. LOL.

the next story is Oishi Uya is Kaninabe Chiba's piggybank. end of story.

THEN RECENTLY!!! i came up with a new idea for this already obsolete vulgar story!!!

remember, birthday rag? :) search up rag on it is actually highly relevant to the idea here now. the story title will be "Birthday Rag!" i imagine the beginning of the story would go something like this,

"I remember, it was on this very day three years ago that I first met Chiba-san... It was unforgettable. Yes... It was my birthday. We met in a shadowy alley... And since then, on all my birthdays, he..."

nice story! :DDD actually, i wanted to write more. but i fear that blogger will rate my blog as mature so i better stop here. LOL. the title was not supposed to be called Birthday Rag... Rag was supposed to be something else that started with S... can you guess? :) it sounds similar hahahahaa. haaehehheehooo.

all right. enough lame stuff. time for me to play some game, watch some show and relaxxx...

next up! i will try to find the sound clips where i dubbed for my final year project. and upload it for you to listen. are you excited??? these clips were never broadcasted anywhere!! (duh) it is actually the "behind the scenes" for my fyp. and i was dubbing... MONSTERS!

give you some teaser. this was the dialogue:


(basically it's what i say everyday lah.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

oh no...!

my main laptop is out of commission... have sent it to my neighbour to vet it. dunno why the programs keep stopping~~ quick quick revive! metal gear acid 2 is only 57% done!!!

so, i most likely won't be updating for maybe 2 or 3 days. ;D

today, i was lunching at the pantry. then deciding that i had too much free time for lunch, i took a nap.

i fell asleep.


i jolted awake as i saw a colleague staring at me and my sis an-chio-ing beside me.

was that ME????

my sis appeared :) all the way as i laughed slightly at my silliness and walked back to the office. once we passed through the door, Liz changed 180degrees and started laughing maniacally. idiot. is my snorting that funny??

somehow, i wished my colleague started laughing, cuz all he did was stare. it's damn creepy ok???

grrr. i sounded exactly like my dad when he sleeps!!! ppeeeyuuu genes!!! *fans air*

in all honesty, i am very tired. and i do feel like chucking in an emo post for the sake of it. but i have nothing to emo -.-||| this is something silly i realise about myself. when i'm tired, i automatically emo. nothing has to happen--i will just emo. LOL. shit i just lol-ed. then after i try to emo, i will end up doing stupid things like :D to Liz and giggling at my own moronic behaviours. shit. *smacks self*

i'm blogging only cuz i'm checking this laptop for my dad and uninstalling programs. Liz is correct--the old laptop has a better typing feel. did i mention that a fat friend cracked my laptop screen under his tremendous weight? yeah. that's this laptop. the screen's changed. so it's working. buttt it's intel celeron, so...too bad lah u.u (i got it free from singtel plan!).

i wish i could write more entertaining things, but that's all for today. ugh. i think my dark eye rings are eternal. oh dearrr. till then!!! (L)


oh no oh no. i don't know what the hell i was trying to install that my computer restarted on its own for a few times x__x||| and then after that, some of my programs involuntarily restarted. pray to God it's not some fatal virus!!! *GOD'S NAME I SCREAM* or Buddha? (anyway can you believe it all began in a sincere interest in trying out the new tablet. btw i typo-ed in my previous post--Liz bought a tablet, not a table. LOL table from sitex, smart ah?)

ok. that is not the main point of the post.

the main point of the post is so much worse it's going to blast your bong bongs.

while bathing (of course, with my Divine Throne beside me), I THOUGHT OF A QUOTE!

"Whatever you wanna be, do not be a wannabe..."


you know, i honestly thought i was damn smart.


i felt like a wannabe.

*slaps self rapidly*

i will pray more often to ward off bad karma accumulated by horrid things like this.


i wanted to put the thought of the day as this: "telling a bad joke is like farting--you get a silenced audience."

but Liz told me the blatant loophole... "silenced audience after farting?? are you sure??"

hmm. interesting.

to make it a little more intellectual, let's say an important political figure farted. what would it be like? : )???


Monday, December 1, 2008

of cooking and food

oh my gawd. i swear i took a photo of the dinner i cooked. IT'S GONE. NO!

well anyway, i took a photo of a plate of:
1 x McDonald Style Lump of Egg (basically..7 eggs divided amongst 3 people. ugh...)
3 x Oily Looking Bacon
3/2 x SM-ed Hot Dog
1 x deformed Cucumber

ALL COOKED BY ME. : DDD (of course Liz was around to supervise. it was to prevent accidents. considering i can get 3~4 paper cuts on a single thumb, imagine me handling a frying pan and a chopping knife.)

well, Liz cooked potatoes because i was too stupid to handle even simple boiling. : D!

considering that was my dinner, does it come as a surprise i really didn't want to eat spaghetti the next day? : D|||

I MUST EMPHASISE--IT WAS EDIBLE. LOL. i'm still well and dancing.

since i broke the unbreakable curse of being unable to cook even luncheon meat by cooking a bunch of meat and eggs, next up--SOUP! yes. i'm sick of campbell soup although i'm quite looking forward to trying out the Chicken Alphabet ABC soup. (we bought it with a straight face. then again, were we supposed to be smirking when buying it? -.-)

and after soup, i will cook spaghetti (because apparently wj and strahl say it's an easy to cook food. so i suppose, once mummy decides that Thailand is a nice country to fly to (???), at least we have something to cook -.-)... and cook RICE! you see, i never thought that rice was actually a straightforward ingredient to cook. i imagined a complicated process to make pure white fragrant juicy yummilicious rice. but alas, it's only putting in water and heating the damned thing up. so i don't believe i cannot cook rice. (although i did kill a cactus.)

now, want to know why i suddenly gained an interest in cooking???

although i doubt you're excited to know about it, i will just let you know anyway.



well. it was quite magical. in the game you get to cook food. i found it a fascinating process. make a character learn how to cook, select the ingredient, and BOMB! out of Fish, you can cook anything from Tuna Sashimi to Rotten Sashimi. and with Rice, you can randomly create all sorts of weird Rice Balls. i never thought cooking was so fun--press one button (X) and the food automatically appears.

so i was very inspired to cook, especially with my mother out of commission. first, if she were around, she'd be smacking me silly. second, i'd quickly decide that mum can cook better so i'd rather eat something better. third, survival brings out the savage in you. whatever that means.

well, i must admit. i felt like i was one step closer to enlightenment when i saw how the bacon turned from uncooked to cooked. it is...MAGICAL. i didn't know you DID NOT NEED OIL TO COOK IT! it is a fascinating process to see the bacon curl up in pain. erh.

OOOkKK. enough elaboration about my cooking experience. now here are some personal stuff that may i emphasise, are quite lame.

don't you think it looks like a flag??? :DDD

my favourite bowl. i got it from buying darlie toothpaste. my only regret is that i didn't buy all the different designs. but it's ok. at least i get to eat the brains out of this one.

and finally, still related to food and in a very wu liao sense, here's another photo.

i was queueing up for bak chor mee when i saw this. it is...



i'm sorry for saying a cold joke. i repent.

so, as an apology, allow me to present two things that make my day anytime!

despite not watering the plant for 2 days, the plant still bloomed a molihua!! :D prior to this, i'm sure i said this to the plants... "I'm sorry for not watering you!! Please don't die!!" magic man.

Nature's Gift!!! :DDD i was walking to eat dinner when i saw this!! cute right?? that's a treet branch soaked and curled up! i dunno what the two are though. hhahaa got hair and moustache if you can make out of it! :DDD

oookkk then. i hope you felt happy seeing the last photo! :DDD
(*tries to make people forget about the cold joke*)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

whose baboon bottom is bigger?

are you sure female arses are bigger?

i was folding the crocodile brand briefs when i compared the difference between them and my personal guardians of bottoms.

are you sure female arses are bigger??? the briefs could easily pass as diapers!!

i don't know what to update

oh no. i really don't know what to update. this week i've gotten flu, sore throat and cough, and i definitely feel like crap. i've been trying to think of funny things but i feel more sleeping.

ok. side track.

flatulence, as i've mentioned, is something that is supposedly funny. now let me talk more about the bizarre incidents i remember about it. (sorry Baato-q, i have not watched the britney video. HAHAHA) if you wiki for flatulence, you may come about an article called flatulence jokes. seriously, i don't know why i even ended up reading that article. erh.

so, one was, one day, i was cycling to a void deck to go for some talking session. then at the usual spot where i park my bicycle, an old man stood. i stared at him; his back was facing me. i was like, "...? ghostly old man..." suddenly

guess what happened!

what else?

he fang-ed pi lor.


and after releasing methane gas, he did not even move. i was stunned. and i moved backwards and parked my bicycle elsewhere. when i walked past the same place, he was still there...and he looked back a bit, didn't quite acknowledge my presence, and walked off.

asshole. you could have at least delivered a greeting and said, "did that smell nice???" did he think i was invisible!?!??!


this happened either one or two years ago. i was with my course mates. suddenly, there was a ringing explosion. next, i heard a course mate's words:

"hello??? you ran all the way in front of me to fart into my toot???"

...btw, the gas releaser was my primary school classmate. by fate's decision, we ended up in the same design course. LOL. (makes you wonder what my primary school breeds. if i'm not wrong strahl was from there too. erh.)


my course mates were filming. i wasn't there, so this was described to me.

"there was silence and a course mate, the sound crew, was recording sounds when he suddenly picked up a funny explosive sound... the next thing, the director suddenly said, 'OOPS SORRY'"

k. this director is known to act cool, and diss people. now his flatulence is recorded in our class project. i have not managed to hear it. that is a pity. LOL.

(i wonder how it feels to pick up ultra sounds like this.)

there are countless flatulence episodes, but these are the ones that i remember more.. .. . i think it's quite creepy if you're like, releasing gas and you have blocked nose while everyone around you wilts...

...why did i say that? i forgot.

OKAY. something more regular. i went to work this morning, and reached home at 2+. then well...i slept all the way till 6.40pm. i think i slept an entire week of erh, sleep that i missed somehow. and i still feel sleepy. THEN! we went to eat the fried bee hoon my mother kept for us to eat. you know, she went to shenzhen since last friday and we only ate it today.


then, we went to SITEX! talk about recession man. who cares about recession. people still buy technological stuff anyway.

well, i bought a memory card and a memory stick, while Liz bought a new table.


i feel a desire to stick to a strict routine of drinking milo and eating $1.30 mee goreng everyday from now on... you know, i really felt the drive i had in sec 2.

maybe some of you remember, my reputation as the milo person or something... actually, i don't understand how the hell i managed to survive on such...petty rations. I REALLY DON'T KNOW. i bet my personality in the past was something like ISTJ or INTJ. i bet you don't know what the hell i'm talking about.

hey hey want to know a cold joke??? I N F P (I AM FANG PI) ...

so like, i ALWAYS did a tabulation of how much i saved and was going to save. it was all simple math, really...and loads of determination. i always stopped at $400, and then splurge it till i had $200. then i'd start the whole saving cycle. considering my pocket money was $15~$20 per week, i really don't know how i managed to survive on the tight budget and save up in a short time. no wonder my mother called me a money face.

i don't know if it's a good thing to feel the drive again.

I TAKE BACK MY WORDS. i erh...will only chip in some for the chalet. BUT

i will not go for anymore outings!!!!!! going with Liz alone would bust up to $300 (combined with her) each time. so, i don't want to go out anymore.

see no evil, BUY NO EVIL!

must. make. money. (<-- tis' my new motto. my old motto: make more money.)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

i really wanna update

but i'm so excited about my new 2GB memory stick for my phone (i survived on a 128mb) and my new 8GB memory card for my psp, and the Gotham Knight animation DVD (it's 6 animations on Batman in different styles... DAMN COOL YOU SHOULD WATCH IT TOO! btw i went to spell batman as bat knight prior to this. spastic.)..... SO

the update will wait for about an hour. :D


and to Tori-Q, who checks my blog almost too frequently that i feel guilty for not updating, create a blog or something leh?? write funny things! then i can read your stuff too! LOL. (i'm sure just from flute section alone you will get a cult-like fan base following you everywhere. hahahahahaa.)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

fruit flies are dangerous

i have suicidal ants living in my house. they like to drown themselves inside my ceramic pot containing drinking water. God knows why they prepare cooked tap water inside ceramic pots with flowery patterns.

that aside.

did you know that fruit flies are dangerous?

on a daily occasion, fruit flies are generally harmless...
1) they appear only when you don't clear your fruit remains fast enough
2) they fly brainlessly around fruit remains
3) they disappear along with cleared fruit remains

so i happened to have fruit remains 3 days old at my sink. by then my sink was crowding. such are the days of having my mother overseas. so, i decided to be good and get rid of evil (??).

there were a couple of fruit flies.

then, something happened.

one of them attacked me.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

my sunday splurge

i promise, i will find some ways to fund part of the chalet... i was told by the HR department that i can only get 10days worth of pay for november cuz the payroll is cut off... :DDD|||

despite being told that, i still went ahead to splurge. oh shit.


Jay Chou has a new CD and i didn't realise! :O :D poker cards! :D and all these CDs chalked up 6 points for my CD-RAMA card. -.- if you intend to buy CD from any CD-RAMA at Popular outlets, please ask me along :DDD we bought Never Ending Story too :DDD (L)(L)(L)

the 5 Temptations of CEO was unexpectedly easy to read. i haven't completed, i read the first 15pages on the bus and was thinking, wow, i didn't expect it to be in narrative style compared to John C Maxwell's usual practical guide style. and it's even more expensive. i.must.absorb.everything.

k. have i told you i used to really hate Ayumi Hamasaki? i really hated her when i was in secondary school. i remember a prefect in sec school who told me she's a singing queen and i said she's downright fake. at that moment her singing was actually pretty weak. but in recent years, after listening to news about her and all that, i began to feel that...she is human after all. oh well! actually her songs are nice lah. and i detest singing to the TVCM without knowing the whole song. dammit. so i made it a point that i want to learn her songs! :DDD actually i wouldn't have been motivated if Liz hadn't mentioned that she kinda wanted to listen to her songs hahaha!

let me reveal a new word to you: flatulence. search up the dictionary yourself.

yesterday, i was walking through the concourse of suntec city (anyhow name it one). i can't remember what crap i was laughing about, when suddenly i felt a violent explosion as i flatulated. i heard it. my first reaction was to look behind me to see if there was anyone. not too close. then i asked Liz, "did you hear that???" she said she didn't. and i stupidly said it a bit loudly, "shit i *flatulated* and it was quite loud!!!" then realising my stupidity, i burst out laughing again. the next thing i said is, "i need the kingly throne."

i think i just upgraded your english, no? you can now use it in your english papers without getting scolded by teachers for being vulgar. LOL.

my saturday splurge

hahhh! actually i wanted to skip posting again. but i decided that i must be diligent. since i took the care of cleaning up my house, i might as well be dutiful to the end. :D

before i begin on my saturday, this is a random photo i took of a lotion bottle Liz kept secret in her collection.

guess what this is:

do you know what it is??

it is melted rubber band!!!

ok. now to the main point. :D

yesterday i woke up at the auspicious hour of i think close to 1pm. no wait, i woke up before that. it was Liz. then, we had a spastic lunch of cereals with a super big Japanese bowl we bought at Mina no Ya or whatever you call it. and we over estimated our appetites. (i did finish it; Liz left half a bowl of cereal milk-turned-yogurt)

finally, at 3, after wasting time, we made our way to the anime convention at Suntec City. dammit. $5 entrance fee.

and when we went in, there was nothing much we did except walk around, catch up with a few old friends, and take a few photos. HERE IS THE SHOWCASE OF BATTLE TROPHY FOR YESTERDAY!!!

Dragon Ball!!

the next two images are bloody silly. i stood in the middle of an enclosed area with people also around and started to laugh out loud bizarrely. shit. i think my humor is getting lamer. this was what i was laughing about.

the fallen vegeto and the “落”“克”人 HAHAHA shit really lame humor (there were people who turned around cuz i was roaring with laughter abruptly)

have you guys heard of bjd (ball-jointed dall) or dollfies or whateverz? (i'm really lost at what they are really called.) i took a photo of my friend's newest doll, who's called Devin. FYI, devin is the name of a devil's advocate in my primary school fantasy battle story that i wrote all the way past secondary school and i haven't ended it yet. just to let you know how creative i was, the title of the story is called "Fantasy Battles". so, i really found her doll's name character funny. since she openly said it herself, i shall be straightforward. THIS DOLL OF HERS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A GAY CHARACTER

uncanny resemblance to shakugan no shana??? only look like 10yrs never sleep???

then. finally, Liz said to go to the Book Fest. and so we did.

before we go on to the battle trophies, here's something for primary/secondary school's sake:

OMG HOW HEART WARMING! i remember getting abused and nagged at for whining at having to polish my near broken white shoes! :DDD



the 3 dvds are shared, while the books are what i bought :DDD NEIL HUMPHREY'S BOOK IS A SIGNED COPY OMG!!!! though i do wonder why it was left on the shelves along with a couple of signed copies (ugh i wanted to buy the complete notes with his signature but i already have the other version... i MIGHT buy it though...)... STILL WHO CARES IT'S SIGNED AND HIS SIGNATURE IS UGLY!!! :DDDD

the two water bottles--one for Liz and one for me. :D i am the dark warrior and she is the light warrior. whatever. the pentel catalogue is free and its content looks real good. we are cheap.
the books below all belong to Liz. i dunno about the top two book but can you understand the bottom two??? she wants to read about a person going to Tokyo alone and bathing alone???

Liz. catching up with naruto, finally, with all sorts of backlog. :D

two yudan books for my mother. go away, gaysuke. and what the hell is my foot doing in the photo??

i feel

many tons



well!!! if i'm free later (after clearing my room), i will update about my sunday splurge!!! :DDDD (i imagine my subsequent stories would be about poverty...)