despite being told that, i still went ahead to splurge. oh shit.
Jay Chou has a new CD and i didn't realise! :O :D poker cards! :D and all these CDs chalked up 6 points for my CD-RAMA card. -.- if you intend to buy CD from any CD-RAMA at Popular outlets, please ask me along :DDD we bought Never Ending Story too :DDD (L)(L)(L)
the 5 Temptations of CEO was unexpectedly easy to read. i haven't completed, i read the first 15pages on the bus and was thinking, wow, i didn't expect it to be in narrative style compared to John C Maxwell's usual practical guide style. and it's even more expensive. i.must.absorb.everything.
k. have i told you i used to really hate Ayumi Hamasaki? i really hated her when i was in secondary school. i remember a prefect in sec school who told me she's a singing queen and i said she's downright fake. at that moment her singing was actually pretty weak. but in recent years, after listening to news about her and all that, i began to feel that...she is human after all. oh well! actually her songs are nice lah. and i detest singing to the TVCM without knowing the whole song. dammit. so i made it a point that i want to learn her songs! :DDD actually i wouldn't have been motivated if Liz hadn't mentioned that she kinda wanted to listen to her songs hahaha!
let me reveal a new word to you: flatulence. search up the dictionary yourself.
yesterday, i was walking through the concourse of suntec city (anyhow name it one). i can't remember what crap i was laughing about, when suddenly i felt a violent explosion as i flatulated. i heard it. my first reaction was to look behind me to see if there was anyone. not too close. then i asked Liz, "did you hear that???" she said she didn't. and i stupidly said it a bit loudly, "shit i *flatulated* and it was quite loud!!!" then realising my stupidity, i burst out laughing again. the next thing i said is, "i need the kingly throne."
i think i just upgraded your english, no? you can now use it in your english papers without getting scolded by teachers for being vulgar. LOL.
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