Monday, November 10, 2008

first day at work

just to begin a post with a discussion i had with my sis last night. remember i said my father has super cold jokes. now, i realise that my dad and i fancy pun jokes quite a lot. then i commented that mine inflicts freeze while his is so bloody literal it goes one level higher -- it causes frost bite.

anyway, it's my first day and i have already OT-ed -- it's now 7.46pm on the computer clock. i am using an abandoned computer in every sense of the word--the user who has gone on MC for 3 days including today, a keyboard that sinks slowly no matter how hard you press (i have backspaced multiple times and my thumb is beginning to feel sore), and...well, directly under the blasting aircon. how cold and lonely this workspace must feel.


(btw i am unable to check tagboard because it has been blocked from the company computer)

so, i slept at an unearthly hour of 2.30am for various reasons i can't recall. and, i woke up at 7.45am sharp. i seriously think i have mastered the art of sleep-brushing, where you are done with brushing your teeth before you even realise it. (i stood at the kitchen sink, opened my eyes and *DING*! mission accomplished! :D) i am sure i will sleep very early today cuz my system is shutting down every second.

this was how tired i was.

i came into the office with no nothing to do. i was so bored i used the temp com to send an email to Liz, telling her to reflect on her NOT telling me to wear 3 layers of clothes (at the moment my fingers are slowing down together with the damned keyboard). then i asked her what the hell is my position. i suspect my position is not export logistics whatever kok. i think i am either documentation warrior or simply sai kang warrior. more about that later.

so, under the blasting storm and facing a lao kokok computer, i had no idea what to do. Liz had the smartest ass idea to ask me to check the company email and read and try to absorb the info. like, what the hell am i supposed to absorb, "please see attached"??? LOL i looked and wondered wtf, all figures with no meaning. i mean, i know i learn things quite out of the air but not like that lahhh.

i got so damned bored i started to doze off in front of my com. so there's this new staff freezing in front of a blacked out screen with the hood for extra protection and nodding off in broad daylight. good God.

finally, i was tasked to do something that has been backlogged from at least two bloody months. i mean i know i came here to do backlog stuff. but... anyyyway. while i was happy that i finally had things to do, i was beginning to worry.

i was so tired, my eyes started to flutter nonstop at the paper. God, i flirted with the damned paper all the way until lunch. disgusting.

just when i thought i was done sorting, the manager appeared and told me there was stage two. oh Good Godddd the 2nd stage is worseee. i was stoning and i had back ache because i had to flip open documents over and over--and when i was almost done, i realised that the first info i needed was at the FRONT COVER!! AND NOBODY NOTICED!!! OH NOoOOooOoo well... on one hand i'm closer to hitting my 45hr-per-week target, but on the other, what the frak was i doing frantically flipping papers!!!?????

then, i am finally done.

while i agree, good attitude is key to a happier working life, i am happier that i am a temp staff :D lol. no surfin net, no listening to music and no sleeping. noooo. the only perk is lunch that can take as long as 1.5hrs cuz the manager doesn't bother, and after work hours, internet is free for all! or at least, single eyes are closed (???).

so now, i am waiting for Liz. ugh. i realise it is not a good idea to switch from waking up at 12+ everyday to suddenly waking up at 7.45am. another system shock. burrr. and oh Goodness me, i had funny stomach last night and i whacked it out at the company toilet - _-||| k you didn't need to know that LOL.

let's see what tml has in store for me. the best part, the work i'm doing is actually quite unprecedented, because no one could be bothered to do. LOL. diao.

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