ok, here comes the actual report. i am actually quite disgusted by my photos. but it's ok. since i shamed the world (actually, it's just 3 souls) with their unintentionally funny msgs, i will shame myself together.
Me and my patronising smile. it was unintentional. i think i'm born with a defect smile. HAH!
do you see the siao charbo dancing in the background? LOL.
dunno what the heck i was begging for.
i blew the candle too fast. so i'm faking it. wah lao. see the lovely flowers? : DDD
stop the buck teeth smile you arsepit!!!
ok please the blowing candle is over so why are you still pouting. siaoz.
mn say i look evil. grrr. i look like a horse. and what's with the twist??? pseudo-japanese-american-culture!! snail sign man.
IMF!!! now financial crisis already. this looks expensive.
my cake. "With a great chocolatey taste!" - koala bear
actually i don't know what's the meaning of this photo. haaahaahaha
heheh mn cutting the cake for me. once again i don't know why she's cutting the cake on my behalf but thank God she's cutting for me, because i am more likely to render the cake inedible.
she looks happy cutting it. erh.
k, i dunno why lh looks super sharp in this photo. why wj? even mr. strahl looks blur in this photo. why??? ok, random point, from now onwards, in order not to confuse weijie and weijun together, i shall refer to weijie as strahl, some airship. hahhh.
burt!!! i was damn surprised when he came to my house!!! apart from the leaked plan of this impromptu... shit i just realised i started this whole post jumping straight into the photos without talking about what the hell my post is about.
ok my birthday is NOT today, as you can see from my post of shame previously, but the little dears manning (mastermind), lihong, weijie, weijun and big dear Burt decided to give me a surprise that was actually half leaked. btw do you know i had to send MMS of my IC to prove that my birthday is indeed not today and not last saturday? LOL. okok that's a sidetrack. so, lihong gave a missed call to my house. i suspect that he was either debating with himself whether he should talk in a lift, or whether he was trying to get me to return call. and he said he was nearby my house. i was like, erh, ok, he sounded like he was in a room. then the funny thing was he and strahl came in and said they took a bus. shortly after that, 3 other souls started spewing into the room with a cake!!! (wj mn burt) (L)(L)(L) omg. i mean, to be honest, i was quite surprised/stunneded/bombed by burt's appearance that my inner world was in chaos. i mean, these little dears were not very well verse in the arts of secrecy, but to invite BURT? SMART MOVE! i didn't know how to react. so i just started laughing. LOL. i think. anddd it's great to have a comedian. because. i was too stunned to do anything actually. LOL.
so, enough of intro. my room was in chaos because i was trying to complete scanning some 600 sketches (or at least i estimate it to be such) and papers were all over the place. so i barely cleaned up the place and we had a very gay and express celebration at the kitchen. i can't believe i actually faked blowing the candle. i can't believe it. wah liaoz.
anyways, enough talking kok and on with the photos.
burt is my batch one, in case you no idea. last time i was damn serious. so, i cannot understand his humour one. in fact most of the time i think i was quite abusive to him. now i cannot understand why last time i don't find him funny. SO WASTED.
i think i just said enough talking kok? it's 3am, please forgive me.
wj, are you some kinda fan of burt, why you take 2 similar shots of him? LOL.
these photos were taken while i was off tidying my room. heh.
sweet chocolatey...erh...candy? and lots of berries! ...i think. dunno lah.
i just noticed this. why is burt carrying his bag everywhere?
wj, the photographer for the above shots. Mista Emo. Dun emo lah, you're a MAN! soon.
the crew that crashed my house. k the Seng brothers are wearing the same colour. last time both wear white now both wear red. national day? anyway, i realise that strahl nuas indiscriminately. for some reason he looks really gay. and. i just noticed that mn is in purple. smile moreee.
my birthday card envelope. isn't it colourful? to be honest, on first glance, i dunno where to look. i only looked at the name and wondered if my name was spelt as Lyntttt. k lh and strahl said they went TP to do something really stupid. (I just realised there's a loophole in this story. TP? on saturday? ???) so this is the stupid thing??? LOL.
anyway the colour combi quite nice leh. despite the splash, it's still neat. : D thanks burt.
now, there's a video footage, but i dunno how long it'll take to upload it, so i won't upload. erh...unless it's absolutely necessary.
anyway, before i display what i got for my birthday as a present, this was what happened. i opened up my paper products cupboad and took down paper cups. i dunno why lh and party were staring into the cupboard and giggling to themselves. then they were saying they got the wrong stuff. i was like, what this, they said it's an inside joke. so ok.
now this is what slipped out when i opened up my birthday card (oh. i just realised i forgot to take a photo of the card. tml lah, now damn sleepy.)
when it slipped out i stun dio lah!!! i was like "???!!!" and these smart butts told me it's for wiping tears if i'm too touched... now here're a few questions
1. why give me not burt??
2. why give tissue supplier tissue??
3. why so giam never give whole packet???!!!
4. where's my ps3 and nintendo wii??!!!???!!!
oh oh, coming to the topic of tissues, i realise that i provide tissue to burt and leehoon most. here are the different styles:
Leehoon: Lynette, tissue. *palms out, smile with teeth showing*
Burt: Lynette, 我可以跟你拿一张 tissue 吗? *smile with teeth showing*
what's this teeth showing thing? careful huiqin come and kiss you man!
okkk. then we had a spastic game of D.O.N. honestly, i think it's more fun if it's 4 humans playing. and i dunno why it seemed to me the Seng Brothers were punching each other's socks off. sorry lah, i very interested in studying siblings one. (i get my fair share of getting studied too, for instance, about how i look older than Liz) oh i definitely love to hear about mn smashing her little sis. please let us know what other abusive stories you have. : D
after wj and mn left, burt started talking about his course of study--physiotherapy. thank you guys for bringing burt, he is very funny, as per legend. lol. and burt, i will bring djmax to chalet, dun worry. btw the song you played, blythe, is lvl 12. it's blardy difficult. my socks will fly if you can pass it in the first place. (i also cannot pass.) LOL. also will bring charger if 24hrs not enough for you. hahaha.
ok, time for the most touching part of the post.
no wait, i have something i want to answer first. i shall reply to your points in the card! :D
MN Awww. Don't be sad. i was feeling quite guilty in the afternoon because you all like emo after i laugh. find something to laugh at me in return ok? smile more lah. not like i posted your terrorist photo right. LOL. yes i loved the cake and flowers. :D but i dunno whether the flowers will survive under my care. HAHA! and, please please, send me bday greeting anyways ok? :DDD sorry lahhhh. i buy you milo. erh...ok i buy you barney. :D
LH/ED who wrote the thing about going blind?? lh is it?? lol misery loves company, so both our designs very sad lah hor. and of all pens you use yellow. sorry i haven't gone blind. if not i cannot post this. LOL.
WJ erh. i have become chicken nugget? anyway, well, what's new... btw do you know there are some sex shops that disallow you from entering unless you're 23??? so i'm not old enough. YET. (*)(K)(*) they say when difficulties arise, philosophers spring outta nowhere. i dunno if that's a bad thing, because philosophers sound like whiners. LOL. please do not buy into my philosophy cuz sometimes they are still in "hypothesis" stage. hahahahaa. and please let me treat you to something for your birthday ok. dun keep saying no, basket you.
Burt shinyuuuu! last to turn 21, you mean in the section? haaahahaha. i still think your jap name equivalent is very funny. wanna consider calling yourself tori (bird)? :D then we can call you torichan or torikun. or tori-q. anyway, thanks for the well wishing...i wish you get many patients to hamtam phlegm out. (please perform this on chalet again. very funny. LOL)
Strahl last one to write. and super patronising hor. i can imagine mn screaming beside you and saying, "na your turn!! write something! fill up the space ok?? cannot don't write!" still, it's a big improvement, because you wrote something. and what's with LAZY? stay lazy, tare panda. LOL.
i will buy the 4D numbers...myself. really. with guidance from my mother. LOL. never buy before, dunno how to buy. like so easy, just waddle in and join the queue. after i buy liao next time you all 21st we all queue up together buy 4D lah? not convenient for me to post the 4D numbers. if not not lucky already. LOL.
well, my wish for birthday, wasn't for myself. that's all i can say. ;D
today i learn that saying a heartfelt thanks is the most paiseh thing in the world. while a part of me is smacking me for being qian bian, another side of me is asking me to be qian bian because dunno how to react. half of me wants to act surprised the other half wants me to just say, "I SAW THROUGH IT HAH!" it reminds me of last year when i had a humble and somewhat forgotten bday when leehoon dropped by half an hour just to share a strawberry cake with me. i also saw through her plan. (it's something i don't like very much about myself. because i like surprises. it's sian not to feel surprised.) if my reaction was not satisfactory, let me apologise here in this post. system too shocked already, become react nonsense.
thank you for the wonderful celebration today :) i never thought i deserved this. and please don't mind my father's lame jokes (if they are jokes in the first place). i also buey tahan.
and manning, i cannot emphasise enough, smile more lah. if not you will really become full fledged terrorist. hahahahahahahahaa.
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