my birthday card, designed by burt. :D you can't see it from here, but it's a pop up card...of some sort haha.
cool hor? it's a correction tape! :DDD but, dunno how to use it ?__?
HAHA Liz. can you understand what this is. SHIT i forgot to rotate the photo. she's toppling against gravity. LOL.
my HDB area now reconstructing and building lifts. i dunno why they spray "?" on a wall. i hope the architecture is NOT allowed to work on the lifts. i then dun want a clueless architecture to be building MY house!!
you know, there were signs everywhere pointing to this toilet only to have a notice telling you a female's toilet is meant for ladies only. btw if you're wondering where this is from, it's mustafa centre. LOL shopping centre of mysteries.
heh. i said i'd post on what i write about. ok. let me give you a revelation now!
i write fanfictions. ok, you know that already.
i don't write ordinary ones.
i write sick ones.
this is from ff7. one of the plots involved the Turks going to Honey Bee Inn to track President Shinra on VP Rufus' instructions. so, for some reason, Tseng has VIP membership card. he sends Reno in.
Reno doesn't come out.
he sends Rude in with a backup VIP card.
Rude also doesn't come out.
so Tseng barges in (i forgot how) and sees Rude and Reno peeping through the keyhole.
inside... is Shinra X Don Corneo! : DDD
now you must be wondering how i wrote it. did i write the ooxxticktickcrosscross? no. i didn't. (puts your mind to rest doesn't it. but be mindful. it's not the only piece of nonsense i write.) this was how it went:
Don: Shinra Daddy! (something like that)
Shinra: Don, you're such a babe. (as in pig)
Don: Heehawww! It's...it's! abcdefg forgot what i wrote
something like that lah. kids are reading my post so i must be careful.
then, i posted this on a yahoo group. of course it's only among friends.
one day, i went to the yahoo group. it asked me to confirm my age. i was like, huh, am i at the right place. i confirmed the age. and. woot??? it IS correct!
there were no other explicit information posted there except my wonderful story.
k. i got two conclusions from there. either
1. hinting stories are also considered matured
2. i have great hentai writing prowess
i'd like to believe it's the second though. i didn't mention anything except their dialogue. serriioouussly.
if you are able to laugh at gayness, i can show you the writing anytime. please confirm you are above 21. btw i just turned 21, but i wrote it before i was 21. :D
NOW YOU KNOW--I AM ACTUALLY A HENTAI. not surprisingly. since i can don't bathe for 24hrs. LOL.
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